Create boxes of 3x3 (depending on space) and players A 10 to 15 meters from players B.
Player A passes to B in the box who is looking to take first touch away from pressure using different parts of the foot. Instep to Instep, Outstep to Instep using both feet.
Players in boxes check shoulders, demand ball, fix shape, quality first touch to better contron ball and pass.
Player A concentrates on weight of passes and accuracy as they are given a specific target, demand execution of accurate pass in to the box to player B.

Same set up as the first exercise.
Now players in the box to a check away to a cone to come and receive out side the box on a diagonal angle and pass back to player A. Can use unlimited touch, 2 touch, or 1 touch.
Always looking for the same details: check shoulders, fix body shape, communication, demanding ball by pointing at which foot they want it. Also, weight of pass from player A and accuracy of pass.
Can use a 3rd player with two coloured cones that Player B has to call out prior to receiving the ball

3 teams of 5 on a half field. Depending on number of players adjust ssg dimensions.
Coaching points prior to game: movement off the ball, execution of first touch away from pressure, possession. Can we execute details with pressure on? if poor, may need to adjust dimensions to make it bigger therefore create more open space to give players more time with the ball.(hopefully they can recognize spacial awareness)