1.20 x 20 yard area divided into 4 10 x 10 yard areas, set up as shown
2.Minimum of 5 players
3.1 ball
1.Each group compete in a relay race around the squares
2.The ball is passed to next square in clockwise direction
3.Players follow their pass
4.The race stops when players are back to the square they started in
5.If ball leaves any square, the team must start over
6.Set up multiple areas so that groups are able to compete
Coaching Points:
1.Accuracy of pass
2.Weight of pass
3.Give the ball direction with 1st touch
4.Speed of play
1.P - Players must use both feet when moving the ball to next square
2.P – Have two teams playing in the same space so that players must pass around traffic

30 by 20 area
12 players, 6 inside and 6 outside
6 balls
Player must recieve a pass from the outside servers then pass back and rotate to a different server and complete the same action with the new server.
Coaching Points:
head up
ready to receive
comunication on approach
possative first touch for the pass
power of pass
exicution of correct passing techneque(inside foot)
The players can now recieve a pace from an outside server and dribble the ball to an open server to complete a pass.
Add in defender to try and stop the passessbeing completed to the server.

1.Two 20 x 30 yard areas as shown
2.Two teams of 6 players
3.Lots of soccer balls with coach
1.The Coach passes a ball into each area, teams send two players into opposing half to play 4 v 2
2.Defending players attempt to steal ball and return it to their own area
3.If successful, play 6 v 2 with 2 soccer balls for as long as possible
4.Attacking team scores points for every pass completed when both soccer balls are in their own area
Coaching Points:
1.Speed of play
2.Importance of using 1st touch to move away from pressure
3.Keep the ball moving
4.Awareness of space
5.Combination play to keep defenders moving and unbalanced
1.P - Add 3rd defender if attacking team keep both balls for a set period of time
2.P – Send only one player over to defend to play 5v1

1.60 x 30 yard area set up as shown
2.12 players (4 Attackers, 4 Defenders, 4 Target players)
3.1 ball (Additional around the outside)
1.Teams set up in the three different zones (defenders in the middle zone, attackers and target players at the end)
2.Attacking team pass amongst themselves (only using two touches) till every person on the team touches the ball
3.Players score a point if they can get the ball through to the target team without the defending team stopping the ball
4.Players score 2 points if the ball travels through the defending team on the ground without being touched
5.If the defending team stops the ball, they switch with the team that lost possession
6.If the ball goes out play restarts with the team who were receiving the ball
Coaching Points:
1.Angle of approach
2.Head up to observe your target
3.Specific Technique
4.Weight and Accuracy of Pass
5.Disguise your pass
6.Look for the opening between players
P – Only allowed one touch
P – Send a defender in to pressure the ball
R – Take out touch restrictions
R – Decrease the defending zone to 10 x 30 yard area

-30x45 yard area
-4 gates
-2 teams of 3-5
-1 ball
-Teams play possession & attempt to score a point by dribbling through a gate on opposing end.
-First team to 5 wins
Coaching Points:
-Attacking space
-Changes of speed & direction
-set number of passes & touches
-Pass through gate to score