6v5 in central area of pitch in line with the 18 yard box.
Place two mini goals at the end about 5 yards over halfway line.
Coach only defenders.
Start position - central defendrs plays ball back to keeper who kicks a long ball to midfield opponents a1 or a2 who then as a team to score past goalkeeper.
d1 and d 2 must decide when to press and when to cover.
If d's win the ball they must attempt to score through the two min goals as quickly as possible.
Key factors
Nearest man to the ball? can you press as the ball is travelling.
Body shape of d1 or d2- show outside to defend central area.
Cover and support from other midfield player, eg d2 moves across to cover d1.
If you cant press (e.g because the attackers are to far away), drop back let the attackers approach and make play predictable.
Defender support to form a defensive trangle- stay compact.
Can you intercept? - stay on feet and be patient.
Recovery runs to support tackling player
Communication- early clear and concise.
Hint- if for some reason the gk is unable to play a good ball from start position forword get him to throw it out instead

Organisation (note dashed line = passes from attackers where as solid line = tracking runs from defenders to press or drop)
SSG 8v8 (50 x 70 Yards)
Formation 3-2-2 for both teams plus gk.
Start full back d7 plays a long ball into a2 (as if giving the ball away).
d2 and d3 start from 15-25 yards away from a2 as if they have previously been defending.
Work on when to press and when to drop with team d (denfenders).
Progression- adjust start position e.g. d7 plays the ball behind a3 and defenders have to decide whether to press or drop.
Key factors
make a descison wheather or not to press.
Can you press ( i.e get close?) if so, nearest man to the ball as the ball is travelling.
body shape of D2 or D3- show inside or out side depending of supporting player (see curved run of D2 on diagram)
Cover and support from other midfield player e.g.d4 moves across to challange the full back a1. defenders push up to copmact space and play the offside trap.gk sweeps.
If you cant press (e.g because the attackers are to far away), drop back, let theb attackers apporach and make play predictable by compacting space. D4 drops to support his own defenders if a1 plays the ball long down the line.D2 and D3 could drop to prevent easy passes to attacking midfielders.Full back D5 drops to track the run of A5.
Can you intercept? stay on feet and be patient.
recovery runs to support tackling player.
communication-early clear and concise e.g close him down! or drop!
Hint-if the defending team end up passing everytime and never need to drop,change the start position so that the defending players (e.g. d2 and d3) start 10 yards further back amd so have to decide wheather to press the a team defence or drop and support thier own midfield.