Organization: 20 by 20 area
12 players
Instructions: the lonely chain(tagger) has no friends and wants to try to tag other people to make one big chain
the other chains have to run away so they dont become part of the big chain
once tagged, the single chain has to link up with the big chain
Coaching Points: head up
change speed/direction
Progressions: P-split the chain up
R-increase area

Organization: 20 by 20 area
12 players
supply of balls with coach
pinnies tied to goal to mark them
Instructions: coach splits group into two teams and asks them to come up with MLS team names
each team makes a line ready for their turn
coach then calls out numbers of the players, who in turn go out and play
game is over when goal is scored or ball leaves area
players then return to their team and coach calls new number
Coaching Points: be quick to ball
body between ball and player
head up
use correct surface of foot
Progressions: P-players now run around a cone before entering game
R-call numbers in order

Organization: 20 by 20 area
8 players
10 balls
Instructions: pirates are all battling to be captain of the ship
to do this, they must get from one end of the ship to the other: without getting hit by a soccer ball
the cannon balls are fired by the coach
Coach yells cannon ballers are you ready? Players respond fire in the hole!
Coach then yells pirates are you ready? Players respond with RRRR. Coach then yells cannon ball run!
Pirates then run to the other end of the ship.
Any pirate that gets hit, becomes a cannon baller and helps shoot cannon balls.
Last pirate left is the captain.
Coaching Points: head up
time the firing of cannon ball
change speed/direction
keep eye on cannon ball
correct surface of your foot
lock ankle
Progressions: P-make ship wider
R-give pirates 2nd chance to run across

Organization: 10 by 10 area
2 groups of 5 players
1 goal 10 balls
cones to show pathway to goal
Instructions: group is divided into two teams
each team chooses their team name
players in each team are assigned a number
when their number is called, players run around cone through gate, and into area
coach serves in two balls to both players to score
Coaching Points: dribble ball as close to goal as possible
get in line with goal before you strike
strike ball as hard as you can with laces
Progressions: P-add a GK
R-allow players to start closer to goal

Organization: 40 by 40 area divided into two 20 by 20 areas
12 players
1 ball per group
Instructions: players will play 3v3 soccer
ball goes out of bounds, play is restarted by coach
no corner kicks
goal is scored, scoring team runs back and touches their goal before defending
play for set time, then switch fields to play different team
Coaching Points: head up
use correct surface of your foot
play quickly
know when to shoot, dribble, pass