Technical Warm up (20min)
Unrestricted space dribbling into turns, stretch (10min)
Technical Exercise
Even lines 10 yds apart dribbling and connecting
Variation-Dribbling, turns into connecting

Small sided exercise (20min)
Every time Orange connects 3 passes a green player presses the ball. When Orange looses posession of the ball the coach plays a ball into the other team
Cp- Sharp passing and receiving, scope area around you, provide passing lanes, width and length for support, communicate, think ahead

Expanded Small sided activity
Divide the group into 3 teams + GK
Team defending the goal must connect 3 passes before finding the entry ball into team resting. Team resting now becomes the attacking team, the team that was attacking the big goal transitions into the defending team.
Cp's-Play on both sides of the ball.

Final Activity
3 team of equal players. Teams must connect 3 passes and cross the half line as a block to score. If a defender gets caught on the other side of the half as the attacking team scores the goal counts double and the defender must do a 100yds sprint.
2 team scrimmage if time allows to 2 big goals