- Players withe even numbers on cones outside square (as shown)
- Begin with 1 ball, increase if numbers / abilities permits
- Player 1 checks off line A, receives
- As ball travels, player 2 checks off line B (as shown)
- Pattern continues around square
- Change direction to receive / play with opposite foot
Coaching Points:
- Movement to receive
- Technique to receive
- Quality of first touch
- Quality of pass
- Change of pattern (include set back, etc)

1.40 x 40 yard area divided into 4 – 10 x10 yard squares, set up as shown
2. 3 teams, 1 per square
3.1 ball per team
4.Spare balls nearby
1.Each player in a team is given a number 1 to 4
2.Teams pass their ball inside their assigned square
3.The Coach calls out a number that player must move to the next square (clockwise) to become a defender – 3v1
4.The team that can possess their ball the longest wins the point
5.The first team to five points is the winner
Coaching Points:
- Quality of first touch
- Quality of pass
- Movement / Timing to receive (support)
P - Reduce touches when defender is active

-40 x 40 yard area divided into 2– 20 x10 yard rectangles set up as shown
- 4v2 in each rectangle
- 1 ball per team
- Defending team sends 2 across
-Teams pass their ball inside their assigned square
-The team that can possess their ball the longest wins the point
-The first team to five points is the winner
Coaching Points:
- Movement / Timing to receive (support)
- Quality of first touch
- Quality of pass
- Width / Depth
- Touch restriction

1. 4v4+4 to goal
1. Teams play 4v4+4 to goal.
2. Team that gets scored on becomes nuetral.
3. Team that scores gets point. First teamt to 5 points
Coaching Points:
- Movement / Timing to receive (support)
- Quality of first touch
- Quality of pass
- Width / Depth
- Touch Restriction
- Play 4v4 (one team off). Same rules