Blocked and variable drills then an SSG focusing on volleying

12 players - 6 in red bibs; 6 in blue bibs placed in pairs (1 red with 1 blue, etc)
Markers placed approximately 5 yards apart, and approximately 5 yards in distance from your partner
Numerous balls, intially a ball between 2.
Drill: 2 main types of volleying skill
Side foot volley:
Blue player feeds the ball toward their partner using their hands (red player). They use any foot they like to side foot a volley back to their partner.
The aim of this drill is to volley the ball back into the hands of their partner, showing good control and touch.
After 6 attempts each, swap roles
Coaching points:
Feeder - good, accurate throw underarm to give their partner a chance to perform the skill
Volleying player - Light on their toes ready to move and get in line with the flight of the ball; position slightly side-on; eyes focused on the ball; strike the ball with the inside part of your foot; ankle locked and strong; delicate touch and control; arms out for balance; head over the ball
- Volleying players to move and touch one of the cones either side of them, then return to the centre and volley the ball back to their partner
- Volleying players to turn and face away from their partners, who call 'turn' as they feed the ball. They turn and have to re-adjust their position and volley the ball back.
- Control the ball with the knee, chest, foot etc and then perform the skill, even if on the half-volley
Instep 'laces' volley:
Blue player feeds the ball to their partner, but now they have to volley the ball back to their partner using their instep (laces part) of the foot.
The aim of this drill is to volley the ball back into the hands of their partner, showing good control and touch.
After 6 attempts each, swap roles
Coaching points:
Feeder - good, accurate throw underarm to give their partner a chance to perform the skill
Volleying player - Light on their toes ready to move to get in line with the flight of the ball; eyes focused on the ball; strike the ball with the instep part of your foot; ankle locked and strong; toes pointing downward; slight follow through in the direction of the intended target; delicate touch and control; arms out for balance; head over the ball
- Volleying players to move and touch one of the cones either side of them, then return to the centre and volley the ball back to their partner
- Volleying players to turn and face away from their partners, who call 'turn' as they feed the ball. They turn and have to re-adjust their position and volley the ball back.
- Control the ball with the knee, chest, foot etc and then perform the skill, even if on the half-volley

6 cones marked out to form a circle, approximately 20m in diameter
12 players - 6 in blue bibs stand at each cone with a ball; 6 in red bibs stand inside the circle
6 balls
Players inside the circle have to move within the circle to any person on the outside and volley the ball back to them.
Dependant upon how the ball is fed to them, it is up to the players to volley the ball back using either the side of their foot or their instep. Depends on how their body shape is positioned, they may have to do a side volley. The choice is theirs, using either foot.
The players have a level of variability to manage, and also the contextual interference from the other players who are also moving within the circle. They have to move to a different player and cannot stay with the same feeder.
Players on the inside work for a period of time (approximately 60-90 seconds) before swapping roles.
Coaching points:
As per the blocked drills, but this time more focus is required with the added dimesion of moving quickly within the circle and communicating to the players on the outside and asking for the ball to be fed to them.
Key points:
Touch / control
- Add a challenge to get all of the volleys back into the hands of the feeder
- Add a challenge to get a target number of accurate volleys within the time frame

30 x 40 metre pitch marked out with cones and goals at either end
12 players - 6 in blue bibs; 6 in red bibs
Coach stands at the side with a number of balls
Rules of the SSG:
6 V 6
Players can only pass the ball to each other by volleying.
The person in possession of the ball cannot run and has to remain where they are, such as in netball. The rest of the team can move and get into position to receive the ball.
1 point is scored if they make a volley to a team mate without the ball bouncing
5 points are scored if they score a goal with a volley
You cannot score a volley from your own half
Key points:
Progressions / challenges:
- Can any players score a volley goal without catching the ball first?
- Can any players pass the ball by volleying it without catching the ball?