Warm Up - Create two teams, spread out as many tall cones as possible standing up. One team (blue) has to kick down cones, using laces -> toe down, heel up... while the other team (red) has to stand the cones back up using the bottom of their toes in order to practice toe down / heel up. Play for 1-2 mins and then switch roles to allow for other team (red) to shoot cones down.
Progression #1
Shooting players are now given a ball and are asked to dribble towards cones in order to shoot down cones. Opponentes are still required to stand up cones as fast as possible. Coach can help shoot down cones if needed to ensure opponents are not standing around and waiting. Rotate roles after 1-2 mins.
Coaching Points
- toe down, heel up when shooting
- use laces or "sweet spot" to make contact with cone/ball
- non kicking foot located next too ball and pointed to target

Skill Building #1 - Pair up players and create enough play spaces for each pair, as seen in diagrams. Play spaces can be roughly 20 yards x 10 yards. Players are asked to stay as close as possible to the end lines and are asked to shoot the balls with laces, through tall cone gates in the middle. Players are allowed to receive the ball, touch it out of their feet and into a bit of space to then step up and strike the ball to teammate.
Progression #1
Shorten width of middle gates for increased accuracy (see #1, #2, #3)
Progression #2
Have players try and hit either gate cone with shot. Friendly competitive game can be played for all pairs to see what group can knock down gate cones first. This needs to be done in control (avoid balls flying everywhere, players not shooting w/ laces, players coming too close to middle area
Progression #3
3 touch limit when receiving and then shooting
Coaching Points
- shoulders and hips should face target when shooting
- toe down / heel up
- knee over the ball
- can we land on our kicking foot?

Skill Building #2 - Requires specific set up as shown in diagram. Flat contes can be used to mark dribbling lanes and you will need two equal groups of players with balls at opposite ends. On whistle, players who are first in line will dribble down the sideline as fast and in control as possible... cross the half way point and look to shoot w/ laces to score. Shots should be taken at least 5 yards from goal line! Next players in line can dribble once player in front reaches half way point. After shot, players join back of opposite line QUICKLY to avoid standing in front of goal and risking injury.
Progression #1
Add coach goalies
Progression #2
Add pressure from behind the dribbling player to encourage fast dribbles / shots
Coaching Points
- dribble w/ close control
- touch ball out of feet when closing in on goal to prepare for shot on goal w/ laces
- can we score in corners of goal?
- once shot is taken, head to the back of the line at opposite end
- players can dribble once player in front of them has reached the halfway point

Small Sided Game -split your play space into 2 fields. Cone sidelines if needed and have goals at each end of field (4 total).
2 vs. 2 on each field (if you have odd numbers, you can play 3 vs. 2 or if you have 10 players you can play 2 vs.2 on one field and 3 vs. 3 on the other) with no goalies. Use spots to mark off goal crease where players cannot enter. Goals must be scored from outside the crease. Teams can be rotated as needed.
Progression #1
Include a coach as automatic offense to create possible #'s up situations. Coach joins team who passes them the ball. Coach can then try to find space for players to get "open" and have a shot.
Progression #2
Include throw ins when ball goes over touch line
Coaching Points
- pass to teammates when "open" not "closed"
- shoot when able
- freeze when ball leaves playing space
- Stop play when you need to set up a coaching point from today's skill objective

Scrimmage - Game should be played on a large enough space comparable to weekend game play. Line field w. cones and place goals (if using Puggs you will need at least 2 connected) at each end line. Please look to play against another team of the same sex if possible! We want to mimic actual game play, so look to have 5 vs. 5 with a goalie. Sub players as needed every 2 mins. Start with actual kick-offs and include throw ins, goal kicks & corners. Coaches MUST support the kids with their comprehension and possible task completion. We want our players to successfully complete these new game elements, so look to back opposing players off the ball until on the ball players perform task (kick-off, throw in, etc...) successfully.
No Progressions - Let the kids play!
Coaching Points
- support understanding and completion of restarts
- support goalies w/ understanding their goalie area --> understanding when / where to use hands, what goal kicks are, distributing the ball with throws and punts. Rotate goalies and do not force players to play goal!
- any time the goalie has the ball (in hands, or w/ goal kick) have opposition retreat to the half way line. We want out players to learn how to get the ball out of their own end, so have goalie distribute wide and then play out. Allow opposing players to cross half line on a 5-10 second countdown, AFTER goalie plays the ball wide
- conversations regarding shape / positioning will be difficult... gentle / supportive reminders needed.