25 minutes for scrimmage at end.
Hurd 5:30

Half the players have a ball half without a ball all players have to do is transfer ball to player without a ball using a body part - thigh, foot, head etc. Once they have transfered ther ball they have to run around a cone and call for another ball. When players are running around the one the have to face the middle of the square.

In A Players at red cone passes ball to player at blue cone. Player at Red Cone then runs backwards around yellow cone and forwards towards blue cone. The player at blue cone does footwork with the ball until the player coming towards them is past the red cone. Then they pass to this player and accelerate towards the red cone, in the next turn this player would then start.
In B the players at red cone would pass to player at blue, the player at red has to go around the yellow cone in the same way as in A but the player behind the blue cone is now a defender. Can the player who receives the ball at blue hold off the defender until their teammate is back around the red cone. Or can they turn and face their defender.

CMF at blue plays the ball into CF at Blue.
Can CF at blue create seperation between them and defender?
I this case we are going to say no and CF has to play ball back to CMF
CF should spin off and make a run into penalty area
CMF should try and thread ball thru for CF to finish first time.

CMF at blue plays the ball into CF at Blue.
Can CF at blue create seperation between them and defender?
I this case we are going to say no and CF has to play ball back to CMF
CF should spin off and make a run into penalty area
This time the pass thru the middle is not playable and CMF should play ball out wide to RM or LM
CF should recycle their run to the back post and try and score from cross.
CMF anticipates ball coming to edge of penalty area.