Session Objective:To improve defending in 1v1 and 2v
15 metres by 15 metres.Corners coned across 2 metres each side of corner.Player A plays ball to Player B.Player A then follows ball to defend B getting ball into corner area(area behind red cones in A corner).Once the ball goes dead or B scores, A and B move to the right and join other groups.So B goes to the back of C and A moves to the back of D.
Then the practice continues with D playing diagonal ball to C corner.This means as players rotate they will get opportunity to attack and opportunity to defend.
Key Factors:
Cover the ground quickly to close down.
Brakes on to close down, about 1 metre away.
Low crouched position.Be patient,Threaten the ball

Session Objective:To improve defending in 1v1 and 2v2.
Organisation:As before.15 metres by 15 metres.Corners coned across 2 metres each side of corner.
Now 2v2.Player A plays ball to either of B players and two A players now defend.Nearest A player closes down.Other A player balances off to support and cover.Coaching to also focus on balancing off if ball moves from one B player to other.
Once the ball goes dead or B scores, A and B players move to the right and join other groups.So B goes to the back of C and A moves to the back of D.
Then the practice continues with D playing diagonal ball to C corner.This means as players rotate they will get opportunity to attack and opportunity to defend.
Key Factors:
Pressure -nearest man closes down quickly,angles,distance and shape as before.
Support and cover-second man takes angle and distance of front man.
Communication-determine who will close down, then last defender must communicate and "control" situation.
Prevent goal being scored.

Session Objective:To improve defending in 1v1 and 2v2.
Organisation:As before.15 metres by 15 metres.Corners coned across 2 metres each side of corner.
1v1 .Player A plays ball to first B player(1),who receives ball and shields from second B player(2),who is behind him. B2 must now prevent B1 scoring in B goal.
Once the ball goes dead or B1 scores, B players move to the right and join other groups.So B goes to the back of C and A moves to the back of D.
Then the practice continues with D playing diagonal ball to C corner.C1 holds and C2 defends.This means as players rotate they will get opportunity to attack and opportunity to defend
Key Factors:
B2 to stay tight and not allow B1 to turn
Be "touch tight",make sure you can see ball.Be patient but pinch ball if possible
Stop attacker turning or getting past.

Session Objective:To improve defending in 1v1 and 2v2.
As before.15 metres by 15 metres.Corners coned across 2 metres each side of corner.Player A1 plays ball to Player B1,who drops off to receiveand is closely marked by B2.A1 now makes a recovery run to get behind B2 and now becomes a defender,working with B2.A2 becomes a second attacker.B2 and A1 prevent the attackers from scoring in Bs goal in a 2v2 as before.
Once practice goes dead,players again move to the right and join back of other groups.
Key Factors:
B2 to prevent B1 from turning
Speed of recovery run then adjustment to balance off as before in 2v2 situation.
Communication from back defender to front.
Force play one direction if possible.Pinch ball/prevent goal being scored.

Session Objective:To improve defensive unit play.
Server A plays ball to wide Red player B.Blue 1 closes down,Blue 2,3 and 4 then move to provide support and cover.
Then switch amd play to C.Blue 4 closes then 3,2,1 balance off.Repeat switching to get back four to move in unison.
Key Factors:
Nearest man closes down to apply pressure.Speed to close then brakes on.
Next player provides support .
Angled position to see man and ball.