4 stations, players spend 4 minutes on each station.
Players work for 2mins, recover (Serve) for 2.
Key Factors:
Can players’ play with a maximum of two touches?
Players’ movement off the ball.
Does player check shoulder/scan before receiving/checking?
Weight of pass.

Both zones working simultaenously.
A1 plays a one-two with A2,
A1 then plays into A3, who checks away from D1, and plays into A4,
A4 attacks space and plays A5,
A5 finishes.
Play is the recycled to A1 who starts movement again.
Key Factors:
Angles of recieving pass/direction of first touch.
Players’ movement off the ball.
Does player check shoulder/scan before receiving/checking?
Trigger movements for A3 and A4/A5.
Weight of pass.
Can players' play with a maximum of 2 touches?
Can A5 finish first time/2 touch maximum.
1. A4 opens body upon recieving and carries ball into Zone B,
A4 plays pass into B5 who finishes.
2. A4 plays into B2 who 'sets' A4, before playing pass into B5.
(can look to develop so defenders come 'live.' Link up between A5 and A3/A2, with D1 live.)

7 v 5 playing through the lines.
Red team must transfer the ball from one end man to the other, playing through the zones If defending side intercept they must find any end man. Play starts again with Red team.
All players must stay within designated zones.
Key Factors:
Central players' on half-turn when receiving.
Movement off the ball when in possession.
Rotation of central 3.
Can players' play high/wide.
1. One player from end zone can join central zone to create 4v3 overload.
2. One player/defender from receiving zone can drop into central zone to recieve.
3. Once ball has been used in central zone, players' able to set back into first zone and play into end zone/man.

4v4 in central zone, with 4 neutral players on outside.
Teams must score in a separate goal to where ball is distributed.
Start Point is GK where goal is scored.
Supply of balls behind each goal.
Key Factors:
Angles of receiving and body position to create goal-scoring opportunities.
Rotation of players in transition.
Can players' move the ball quickly (2/3 touch)?
1. Outside players limited to 2 touch.
2. Outside players limited to 1 touch.