SAQ Warm Up
Groups are split into 2, players start as shown above.
This is an SAQ relay with players going through the cones a number of times.
Players will be going through the cones/ladder using:
1) High Knees, 1 foot between each gap
2) Fast feet, 2 feet between each cone
3) Slalom's, side to side between the cones
4) Bunny hops, feet together through each cone
Once they have gone through the cones they have to accelerate to the tall cone and side step to the back of the next line.
Duration: 10 Minutes

Ball Manipulation Warm Up
20 by 20 area, each player has a ball.
Coach will perform a skill, players will copy and practice.
1) Drop shoulder left and move the ball right.
2) Sideways roll
3) Scissors
4) Stepover
Play for 15 Minutes

Technical Practice
Same area, each player has a ball, tall cones as defender between each partner.
Like in the warm up, can players use the skills they have developed in the warm up to get past the cones.
This gives the players an opportunity to perfect the skills against 'defender'.
Play for 15 minutes

1 v 1 Numbers Game
2 teams, plenty of soccer balls, 4 goals with tall cones.
Can the players use the feints/moves practiced and developed in the practice to get past the defenders and score a goal.
What the players need to think about:
1) Can I get to the ball 1st
2) What feint/move can I do to get an advantage on my opponent
3) Accelerate away and score a goal.
Play for 30 Minutes.