Did you know? .... soccer shots (YouTube video below) was started right here in Lancaster by a Messiah College grad and current coach in the CV youth program.

- All players have a ball inside half of field or 20x20 yard grid.
- Start with introducing a pull back - a move performed by using the bottom of your foot to stop the ball and pull it behind you (in one smooth motion), turn around and go the opposite direction.
- "Green light" - Players move randomly around grid while dribbling.
- "Yellow light" - They move slowly around with small touches.
- "Red light" - They use bottom of foot to stop ball (brake).
- "Super green" - Leave ball and sprint as fast as they can.
- "Reverse" - Do a pull back (drag back).

- All players have ball inside half a field.
- Players have ball and dribble around in the half of the field.
- Coach starts off as shark and tries to kick the ball out of the field as players try to keep possession.
- Once ball is kicked out players retrieve it and must do 5 pull backs before coming back in.
- One coach should help work with kids doing pull backs while other is shark.
- Start new game with a player as shark and make sure everyone has a chance to be the shark (quick games).

- Every player with a ball (first time you play don't use balls).
- Half of players have a pinnie tucked into back of shorts making a tail (foxes) Other half with no tail are the farmers.
- Foxes dribble/run around trying to keep away from farmers.
- Farmers dribble/run after foxes and try to take tails by pulling pinnies out.
- Once pinnie is pulled the fox is now a farmer and game is played until there are no foxes left. Play again and make sure everyone gets to be in both groups.

- Field split up into grids side ways across field 10 yds x width of field.
- Players split up into pairs with each group having 1 ball.
- Players work in 1 vs 1 situations with the goal of dribbling the ball over the line at each end.
- Once they cross the goal line they leave the ball for the other person and turn to play defense.
- If defender wins the ball they instantly try to cross their line.
- Play for 1 minute and switch pairings up by either random switching or ladder where player who scored most move right and player with less points moves left.
Key Coaching Points:
- Remind them to use the moves and skills we've been working on.
- Play with the ball in front of you working to move forward.
- Smaller controlled touches trying to keep ball close to your feet.

- Full field with 2 goals
- Two teams 5v5 with 3 back players (defense) and 2 front players (offense)
- No goalie
- Back players stay behind front players on field and front players stay in front of back players to help players become aware of simple space and organization in positioning .