30x40 yard grid, each Player with a ball.
Players work in pairs. Set number of touches allowed. Player to misplay the ball, a point is given to the other player. Play for a fixed time, winners move up to play a new player.
Coaching Points:
- Players try to improve their touches (suppleness, control and foot-eye coordination) by juggling with different surfaces of their feet & body.

15x20 yard area
Two teams of 6
In pairs, agility and dynamic warm-up
Coaching Points:
- Quick feet
- Acceleration

10 x 10 area's, 2 players per area
- Players play knee tag. If you tag opponents knee then you score the point or if you manage to force them out of the area without touching them.
- Players play for 2 minutes before moving to play new opponent.
Coaching Points:
- On toes
- Bend knees
- Side body shape
- Patience
Addition of ball to create 1 vs 1 game. 4 grids turn into 2.

Same set up; but 4 squares turn to 2 grids
- Player plays pass to the attacker; attacker tries to get across the endline.
- Defender has to close space down and prevent attacker from crossing the endline.
Coaching Points:
- Close space quickly; slow down as you get closer to the attacker
- Bend run to cut off angle
- On toes
- Bend knees
- Side body shape
- Patience
- Add goals

Same set up; but 2 grids become 1 field
- Same start as before, but players go 2v2 to goal.
Coaching Points:
- Close space quickly; slow down as you get closer to the attacker
- Bend run to cut off angle
- On toes
- Bend knees
- Side body shape
- Patience

40x60 yard area
6 attackers and 4 defenders with goalie
- Players on attack try to break down defenders 6v4 to goal.
- Defenders must work together within the back line keeping compact.
- Defenders must try to push line out away from goal, forcing attackers backwards.
Coaching Points:
- Stay compact
- Push line higher up-field
- Slide line accordingly as ball moves from sideline-sideline
- If midfield goes sideways, look to push upfield
- If midfield or ball starts to go vertical, get body sideways on, prepping to go towards own goal
- Add goals or target players that defenders can play to (starting counter-attack)