Focus: Affecting the player's decision when pressure is traveling across to defend the ball. Player receiving the ball receives it in front of him/her with their back foot. Player is already facing the direction of the target.
Amount of Pressure: One defender - Pressure. Cover located centrally but slightly loose.
Type of Pressure: "Pressure" - Tight. As the ball travels from the #9 to the #7 / #11 the second defender transitions to becoming the first defender. Pressure angles body appropriately. First defender travels across to pressure the outside player transitioning from first to second defender. Depending on speed of defender's movement attacker may choose to cut in the opposite direction and use the defender's momentum against him/her; OR - If the defender approaches the attacker composed and blocks the angle for him/her to enter the center of the field can the attacker create space between them and the defender, down the flank, to cross the ball.
Decisions looking to affect:
1. Ability to identify amount of pressure being applied to the ball, as the player receives it. How is the defender closing down the space between them and the ball? Are they approaching the attacker from the front of them, or are they traveling across at an angle to force the attacker out? At what speed are they traveling?
2. Choice to open up on the back foot - further from the opponent, or receive the ball on the front foot to cut in the opposite direction of the defenders movement.
3. Recognition of the second defender. Is the second defender in a good spot to cover the first defender if I beat him/her? If so, what are to numbers going against us? Are we in favorable odds? If not, do I have a supporting player I can pass the ball to?
4. If the second defender does present themselves as a good option of support can the player with the ball beat the defender (cover) 1v1 after eliminating the first defender?
Review - (A) Outside Cut (B) V Move.
Introduce - (A) Dragback (B) Pull Push (C) Cryuff turn.

Dimensions vary on amount of players present
4v4 - 40 x 30
· Following the player's dynamic warm-up,if enough numbers are present (minimum of 6), allow players to play. If there aren't enough players, players may continue to warm up by playing a Rondo.
· Each session will be structured so that players will scrimmage twice, once after their dynamic warm-up, and the second at the end of the session. The objective of the first scrimmage is to review and deliberately practice concepts that were brought out in the previous session.
Coaching Points:
1. Vision - Player checking shoulders quickly before and after receiving the ball.
2. Players ability to recognize pressure (tight vs. loose)
3. Selection of foot and surface to receive the ball, based on pressure.
4. Player's ability to control and manipulate ball away from pressure, if they receive it on the wrong foot.
5. Execution of move.
6. Execution of next action - pass/shot.

15 x20
6 players per grid
Each with a ball
Body Mechanics
1. The first player furthest from the mid-line in each channel tries to race and fake the other player (closest to the mid-line) out. The objective is to score a point in either endzone.
2. If the attacking player (furthest from mid-line) is successful at faking the defender (closest to mid-line) and enters the zone, alone, he/she gets a point.
3. But if the defender catches up to the attacker and enters the zone at the same time, he/she gets the point.
4. Roles switch after each turn.
Technical: Unopposed
1. Practice via repetition. No competition.
2. Players will start off dribbling to the opposite endline one at a time. Once they approach the endline they will perform a drag-back to change direction and return to the starting point.
3. Progress to adding in the Pull-Push.
4. Advanced technique: Fake cross via cryuff turn.
Technical: Semi-Opposed
1. Going to endzones. Players will add these moves to the activity where the furthest player from the mid-line is the attacker and the closest must follow and attempt to enter the zone at the same time.
2. Players are restricted to their portion of the channel.
3. Both players will have a ball to start off. Progress the activity to where only the attacker has the ball.
4. Roles switch after each turn
Technical: Fully Opposed
1. Same as Semi-Opposed activity, however, the defender is live on the attacker's first touch and may cross over to the attackers channel.
Coaching Points:
1. Quality of first touch (Direction - towards goal, Weight)
2. Awareness of defender's position
3. Be positive, attack goal if possible
4. Decision, Turn or Stop start to lose the defender (Scenarios from warm up)
5. Protect the ball with your body at all times
6. Finish!

Half field
Two groups - Defending (4) and Attacking (4+)
1 Ball in play
Extra balls off to the side
Note this is deliberate practice and conditioning for desired responses based off of the defenders movement.
1. Focus is on recognizing when the 2nd defender's transition to becoming the first defender and the speed of their movement to shut down the player with the ball. Can we use their speed against them and cut or use a move to take the ball in the opposite direction and eliminate that player? If not, can we drive down the flank and create enough space between ourself and the defender to cross the ball?
2. Discuss running alongside of the endline with the ball.
3. By eliminating one defender that increases our odds moving forward. Can we then: shoot, pass, or beat the second defender 1v1 going to goal?
4. (Review) V-Move or Outside cut to go against the defenders movement. (Intro) Pull-Push to create space on the flank.
Restriction: Defenders are triggered on #10/8's first touch. Defenders must do movement condition before apply pressure/cover (example: SAQ relevant to defenders natural movement - forward run, alt. side shuffles back, then forward movement). Additionally field will be marked out in fourths as indicated by green lines. One defender may enter the side channel to pressure the #7 or #11 at a time. Green lines = remind players of zonal shifts.
1. Two defenders stay in through two cycles. To increase tempo, have defenders alternate every cycle for immediate pressure.
2. Attacking group and defending group in for set time. After time has passed have groups switch roles.
Coaching Points:
1. Vision - Player checking shoulders quickly before and after receiving the ball.
2. Players ability to recognize pressure (tight vs. loose)
3. Selection of foot and surface to receive the ball, based on pressure.
4. Player's ability to control and manipulate ball away from pressure, if they receive it on the wrong foot.
5. Execution of move.
6. Execution of next action - pass/shot.
Game: Who can score the most goals in restricted amount of time? If Attackers score 5 goals but the defenders score 3 within time restriction attackers earn 2 points. Players then swap roles and same rules apply.

40 x 30
2 Teams - 4v4
If player attendance exceeds 8, add additional team or incorporate substitutes
Free play.
Can the players apply what they learned in the session to the scrimmage?
Coaching Points:
1. Vision - Player checking shoulders quickly before and after receiving the ball.
2. Players ability to recognize pressure (tight vs. loose)
3. Selection of foot and surface to receive the ball, based on pressure.
4. Player's ability to control and manipulate ball away from pressure, if they receive it on the wrong foot.
5. Execution of move.
6. Execution of next action - pass/shot.