Scrimmage when horn sounds at 12:40

Split your field in half and play this game on half of the field.
Seperate your players into two teams, the Tornadoes and the Volcanoes.
Playing one minute rounds the players have to flip the cones over to represent their team names, Volcanoes so the cones look like volcanoes and tornadoes so they look like tornadoes.
After a minute the players will stop and the coach will count the cones and award a point to the team with the most cones representing their team. Play a few rounds this way and then play a few rounds with balls. When you play with balls the players have to stop their soccer ball next to the cone before they turn it over.
Makes sure you have a few more cones than players. At the end of the game the final round can be who can collect the most tornadoes and volcanoes and your area is tidy to set up your next activity.

Put your players in pair and set up a ball on a cone for each pair.
The players starts off about 4 or 5 yards away from the ball on the cone (battleship). Have them take turns trying to pass the ball into the battle ship and knock the ball off the cone, if they hit the battleship they have to quickly reset the ball on the cone.
Make it into a competition, which pair can hit the battleship the most in two minutes.
If it is too easy make them take a step back every time they hit the battleship.
Make sure your players are using correct technique, plant foot next to bal and striking the middle of the ball with the inside of the foot. Can the players do this with both feet?

Create two line for the players to start and end at eitherside of the field.
Have players start out without balls. When the coach yellsgo all the humans (red) have to make it across the field without the HungryDinosaurs' (Blue) tagging them. To start off with all the dinosaurs have to dois tag the humans. Play a few rounds so that all players understand the gameand then ask all humans to get as soccer ball (as pictured). Now our humanshave to get their soccer balls across without the dinosaurs touching the ballswith their feet. If a human's soccer ball is touch they become a dinosaur. Havethe coach start off as the first dinosaur and the last remaining human becomethe first dinosaur in the next game.

Split your field in half and have the game played on one half.
Players Start without soccer balls. For the first round have the coach play the mud monster. If the players get tagged by the mud monster they are "Stuck in the mud" If they are stuck in the mud they must stand still with their legs open. To become unstuck another players must crawl thru the stuck players legs. The players should be encouraged to shout for help when stuck in the mud. After a few games have every player except the freeze monster get a ball.
The mud monster then has to tag or touch the soccer balls of the other players. If the mud monster touches your soccer ball you have to hold your soccer ball above your head and shout for help. To get unstuck one of the other players must put their ball thru your legs.
If game is too easy you can add another mud monster.

Split your players in two and have a home team staying on your field, and an away team playing on your neighbour’s field. Start two games of 3v3 on each field. Have the coaches and the subs in the middle of the two fields. When the ball goes out of bounds the coach yells "New Ball" and plays another ball onto the field.