To provide wide players with variations to get into crossing positions,
To improve quality of crossing.
To improve movement and finishing of strikers and midfielders.

16 players split in to 4 groups of 4 with 1 ball per group.
Area - 40 x 30 yds
Each group numbers players 1 - 4 and pass in sequence (short - short - long).
2 touch.
Player receiving long pass must play 1 touch pass.
Remove sequence passing but continue with short - short - long.
Awareness of whether to be available for short or long pass.
Communication - verbal and visual.
Type of long pass.
When receiving long pass be aware of where next player is to guide the ball to them with 1st touch.

16 players.
Set up half field with 4 mannequins set up as a back 4 (25yds out) with a supply of balls at the half way line.
Use cones to show starting positions for wingers and attacking full backs (2 each side).
2 strikers who will rotate every attack. (When waiting stand behind mannequin).
Rest of players queue up in 2's at the half way line, they will be attacking midfielders.
Start with 2 centre midfielders passing to each other (1 touch) and play will start when the winger calls for the ball. Centre midfielder can then take a touch and play wide. (Alternate sides).
Rotation - Wide players take turns each. 2 centre midfielders who start play then join the attack to provide 3 options along with striker. .
The first option (A) the ball is played to winger who gets the ball out of his feet and dribbles past the mannequin before crossing. (Movement shown in shaded area)
The 2nd option (B) is similar to option A but instead of crossing the ball, the winger turns out and lays off to the supporting full back to deliver the cross.
Checks off and calls for the ball.
Positive first touch.
Pick head up before crossing.
Type of cross - floated, driven, cut back
When winger takes 1st touch, peel off around blind side of central mannequins.
Timing of run towards near post.
Communication - verbal and visual.
Type of finish.
Recycle runs if ball not delivered early(Option B).
Attacking Midfielders
Quality ball played to winger with pace.
Provide options at back post area and for cut back to top of box.

(Movement shown in shaded area is for option D.)
Centre midfielders start play as before.
Option C - Winger takes first touch inside and drives infield before playing a reverse pass behind mannequin for overlapping full back to run on to.
Option D - Winger takes first touch inside and drives infield before playing playing ball to striker who plays into path of overlapping full back.
1. Wide players can dictate which option they use.
2. Add a 2 central defenders.
Wide players
When winger takes first touch inside that is cue for full back to overlap..
Option C - Winger drives inside at pace to open up angle for reverse pass.
Option D - Winger should communicate with 1st striker to trigger link up play.
Full back should time run and arrive at pace.
Pick head up before crossing.
Type of cross.
Start within width of the goal.
Movement and timing of runs.
Communication - Verbal and visual.
Weight of pass (Option D).
Type of finish.
Attacking Midfielders
Quality ball to winger played with pace.
Provide options at back post area and for cut back to top of box.

16 Players (2 Gk's yellow, 5 red, 5 blue, 4 orange)
Set up 2 goals either side of a double 18yd box with cones indicating the wide area (shaded).
Supply of balls in each goal.
Play 5v5 plus goal keepers with 4 neutral wide players.
Set each team up 2-2-1
Strikers and defenders can not cross half way line.
Only neutral players play in wide area.
Limit neutral players to 3 touches.
1. Wide players should combine to get crosses in.
2. Defending team can challenge wide players.
3. Take away half way restriction.
4. Remove restrictions for wide players.
Get ball wide early.
Positive 1st touch.
Pick head up after setting ball for cross.
Type of cross.
Movement of striker and attacking midfielders.
Type of finish.

16 players, 8 red set up in a 2-3-3 and 1 yellow and 7 blue set up Gk-4-3 with defensive midfielder(red) starting the play.
Set up goal at back of centre circle.
Supply of balls in goal at centre circle.
Red team always start with defensive centre midfielder.
Blue team score a goal by scoring in goal at centre circle.
Free play for a few minutes and look for coachable moments to show 2 options with alternatives and then 1 more stoppage to go in and coach.
Ball played to winger who gets the ball out of his feet and takes on full back before crossing.
IF the defender tracks the winger and is able to prevent cross THEN turn out and play ball back to supporting full back to deliver cross into box.
Get ball wide early.
Positive 1st touch.
Movement and decision making of wide players.
Movement and timing of runs from striker and attacking midfielders.
Opposite winger attacking box.
Type of finish.

Ball played to winger who drives inside before playing reverse pass for the overlapping full back to run on to and cross into box.
IF the defender is too tight to play ball behind THEN pass ball to striker who can play in the overlapping full back or keep possession.
Get ball wide early.
1st touch inside.
Communication - verbal and visual.
Movement and decision making of wide players.
Movement and timing of runs from strikers and supporting midfielders.
Type of cross/finish.