3v1 Warm-up:
- Have to call name of person you're passing to.
- Player who loses the ball or doesn't call the name goes in the middle and performs 4 push-ups.
Coaching Point: 3 step rule, always supporting your teammate.
Ball Mastery:
sole-V's, Sole-behind, sole-outside, pull push, inside-sole, sole across, etc.

Technical Warm-up: Aerial Ball Control Progression+ Ball Familiarity & Ball Striking
Aerial Ball Control Progression:
1) One ball per player. Toss ball up perform the different traps (inside of the foot, outside of foot, cradle, cruyff, over head laces)
2) Half players w/ ball in hand and half without (30 seconds each): Players without ball perform two volleys before moving on to next person.
- inside foot volley, laces, two touches volley, bring it down and pass ball on ground, bring it down and turn + cut it back and pass, flick ball over head with outside of foot and turn & cut it back and pass.
Coaching Points: on #2 > partner who's tossing the ball needs to be focused and toss it under hand and make sure they can trap it. Partner who's working must check away, check to and peak. Visual cues to start your run? (eye contact, have they picked up the ball, are they ready?)
Ball Familiarity & Ball Striking
-Groups of 3 with a ball
-Short/Short/Long progression
-A passes the ball to B, B back to A, A takes a touch to Right,
Stepover with Left, Outside of the Left, Strike the ball to C with the
Left, A supprts C.
-Make sure they are using both feet
-ADD different moves after Short/Short
Coaching Points:
Coach the ball striking (sweet spot, head over the ball, lock the instep,
big toe down & pinky toe up > Power shot)
-Inside foot curl (placement)
-Outside foot curl
-chipped ball in air
Grid- 15-20 yds long

Crossing and Finishing Progression:
1) A takes diagonal touch and finishes on goal. Then B takes a diagonal touch inside and plays a 45 degree ball. Switch lines after.
2) Switch side of service.
Coaching Points: Can finish laces across the goal to far post, or finish inside of the foot near post.On the cross, players need to finish near post with front foot. Why? if they let it come across body, it's more difficult and gives opportunity for defender to win the ball.
Coaches you'll need to oversee two groups.

2v1's to Goal
- as soon as blue player takes touch, defender comes out to defend against two attackers.
- once play is done, player next in line on blue plays ball into two forwards whose back are to goal now. Each group of two has two finishes.
Coaching Points: When should you dribble and when should you pass? What are your cues to dribble and what are they to pass? After you pass what can you do? How can you unbalance the defender? (wall-pass, overlap)
Do attackers open up to create separation from defender or do they just stand there?

Finishing with Defenders: 1v1, 2v2 and 3v3 to goal
Organization- 6 defenders and 9-12 attackers. A- starts the attack by dribbling into the game and 1 defender come out to play 1v1 to goal. After play is over, player B dribbles in and 2 defenders comes
out to create 2v2 to goal. They can combine with players A or go alone to goal. After play is over, player C dribbles in to make a 3v3 as the 3rd defender joins the game to goal. Repeat excercise to
goal. After 5 min change defenders.
Coaching Points- Finishing, combinations, 1v1 skill to goal, movement off the ball, how do we receive the ball if we have space in front of us? Are we just looking to possess or to penetrate? can you create some space for yourself and get a shot off?
1) Same but we throw aerial balls up for defenders to clear. Attackers in the grid, have to try to prevent defenders from winning it
2) Same but have trailing defender with 2 defenders staying in Grid.
Coaching Points: look to push up when ball goes backwards or attacker has back to goal.

6v6 Game for GU9&GU10's. (40 minutes)
Important we teach them our number system and formation. We play a GK-2-1-2. With two defenders, one CM and two forwards.
Make sure you give them set positions.
Let's create 3 channels to naturally give them width.
2-10/15 minute halves.
8v8 game for GU11's (20 minutes)
-2 touches max
- get additional touch for a steal