30x20 area
12 players
3 pinnies
Five 2x2x2 triangle
3 taggers (players with pinnies) must tag a player not in a triangle.
Runners can find shelter in the triangle but by going in will flush player inside.
Coaching Points:
Quickly find an open triangle.
Head up to look for tagger.
quick change of direction.
Add tagger/remove triangle shelter.

Same as above.
4 balls extra around
Same game as above but now runner are dribbler and must get into th triangle with the ball, tagger must get possession of the ball and switch with player.
Coaching Points:
First touch must be long to gain speed(ronaldo) then close control(messi) to get get into triangle with the ball.
First touch away from pressure into next triangle.
Pass must be accurate to get into shelter.
Hop and open hip.
Receive ball with back foot or away from pressure.

40x40 area
four 10x10 triangle.
Players pass the ball to each other.
2 touch max.
Alternate left foot/right foot every 10 passes.
Coaching Points:
Players must check away from the cone.
Receive the ball with back foot.
First touch must break the line of confrontation.
Pass the ball behind defender (cones).
a.The player with out the ball now check in.
b.Receive the ball with back foot turn and pass the ball in front of defender(cone)

Same as above
Players A pass to B who as check in.
B pass back to A who as created space by check-in out.
B peel off around the defender(cone) and receive the ball back to A
Coaching Points:
Receive ball always with back foot.
Create space for thru ball.
Eye contact for the pass.
In the same triangle play a 3 players monkey in the middle.
Pass the ball in front of defender if low pressure.
Behind or thru ball if high pressure.

40x30 area divided in half
2 team of 6 players.
Attacking team must get the ball in the back zone to get the point.
Defenders cannot drop behind the center line.
Coaching Points:
Use all we saw in the triangle excersise.
High pressure:
Ball and blind run behind defender.
Thru ball and 2nd attacker run.
Low pressure:
Turn and first touch behind line of confrontation.
Add a player along the back line as target.
Add a goal on each end. The last defender is now the offside line.