Demonstration will start at 8:40 on both fields

Split your field in half and have the game played on one half.
Players Start without soccer balls. For the first round have the coach play the mud monster. If the players get tagged by the mud monster they are Stuck in the mud If they are stuck in the mud they must stand still with their legs open. To become unstuck another players must crawl thru the stuck players legs. The players should be encouraged to shout for help when stuck in the mud. After a few games have every player except the freeze monster get a ball.
The mud monster then has to tag or touch the soccer balls of the other players. If the mud monster touches your soccer ball you have to hold your soccer ball above your head and shout for help. To get unstuck one of the other players must put their ball thru your legs.
If game is too easy you can add another mud monster.

Create two line for the players to start and end at eitherside of the field.
Have players start out without balls. When the coach yellsgo all the humans (red) have to make it across the field without the HungryDinosaurs' (Blue) tagging them. To start off with all the dinosaurs have to do is tag the humans. Play a few rounds so that all players understand the game and then ask all humans to get as soccer ball (as pictured). Now our humans have to get their soccer balls across without the dinosaurs touching the balls with their feet. If a human's soccer ball is touch they become a dinosaur. Have the coach start off as the first dinosaur and the last remaining human become the first dinosaur in the next game.

Same game as last week so try and play straight away with the balls.Players have to dribble with a soccer ball from their safe zone and try to get to another without the defender touching their soccer ball. If their soccer ball gets touched the tagger must drop the cone or pinnie, get the soccer ball and dribble the soccer ball into one of the safe zones. The person who lost their soccer ball must pick up the pinnie/cone and takes on the role of the defender.
•Can we dribble with the correct part of our foot?
•If a defender is coming can we change direction quickly?
•If defender is not near can we take big touches to get into safe zone quickly

Divide your field down the middle as shown and move your goals over. Split your players into two teams and have half of the line up at the centre cone (yellow cone) and the other half line up on the centre of the touchline. You should also create a shooting zone (about 5 yards) from Each goal.
The blue defenders pass the ball across to the red attackers. Players can score in either goal but have to enter the shooting zone before scoring. If the defender wins the ball the defender can score in either goal also.
Have the players start as soon as the ball goes out of bounds or is scored.
If coaching at the younger age group the coach may want to pass the ball across so ensure accuracy and keep the activity moving along.
Can the attackers take a 'positive first touch' towards one of the goals?
If the defender 'seals off a goal' can the attacker change direction and attack the open goal?
Can the defender move across to take some of the attackers space qwhile the ball is moving?
If you have many players you can play the same game on the other side of the field simultaneously.

Split your players in two and have a home team staying on your field, and an away team playing on your neighbour’s field. Start two games of 3v3 or 4v4 on each field. Have the coaches and the subs in the middle of the two fields. When the ball goes out of bounds have a kick in or a pass from the side line,