All players with a ball inside the grid
Begin with ball mastery. Players should get a lot of touches on the ball.
Layer in restrictions
-Only use your right/left foot
-Only use the inside/outside/sole of the foot
-Messi/Ronaldo touches
-Add in specfic turns/moves
Once players are warmed up, begin with a few rounds of knockout
Coaching Points:
Knockout: Head up to observe potential threats
Use changes in direction/speed to avoid losing your ball
After a round or two, introduce the tactic of shielding the ball to prevent it being kicked away
-Keep your body between your ball and any opponents
Don't play defensive, try to win!
You are automatically out if you leave your ball to attack someone elses

Players divided into two teams and put into two channels as shown
Each channel has a gate and goal at the far end
White attack first, Blue defends
The white team must make it down to the far end first before being tagged by a Blue defender
Attacker can get 1 point for making it through the cone gate, or 3 points for getting to the goal
Defender gets 2 points for tagging the attacker before they get to the end of the channel
See next screen for progresion with passing soccer balls
Coaching Points:
Attacker: Acceleration and speed to beat defender to the end line
Use of moves/feints if defender recovers
Can you get yourself in front of the defender and across to the goal?
Defender: Must track down attacker and recover in front of him
Can you prevent giving up 3 points and protecting your goal?
Now White team starts with soccer balls, same game

Set up as shown
White starts as attackers, Blue begin as defenders
Bue player passes the ball into a white player
White dribbles the ball down the channel, while Blue player attempts to cut them off and steal the ball
White player can score by dribbling through the cone gate or shooting into the goal
Coaching Points:
Attacker: Penetrate the space ahead of you to gain an advantage
Use of moves/feints/shielding to keep possesion and create opportunity to score
Decide what you want to do and act
Defender: Recover as quick as possible to get yourself between the ball and end line
Force the defender one direction and use the sideline like another defender
Don't hesitate, win the ball at first chance
Defender starts level with Attackers
R - Defender can not play until Attacker's first touch