Players in a circle all facing coach
Each player has a ball and cone to work with
Coach demonstrates a ball mastery technique, and the players repeat
Skills taught in this session are the 3 'V's - front, back and switch feet
Coaching Points:
Always light on toes
Hop as drag ball back
Turn body/hips/toes to face direction of balls destination
Move ball from one side of cone to the other in a V shape
Combine the skills together
Have the players race to complete x amount of the skill/s
The coach continuously changes what ball mastery techniques he is executing and the player must change ASAP with him (now they are forced to look up at coach and not down at ball to keep up with him)

Players pair up and join another pair
1 pair competes, using 1 ball
1 pair act as referees
1 player is attacker, his partner the defender
The attacker must look to use ball mastery techniques to stop the ball on either of his cones before defender puts his foot on the coresponding cone to score a point.
If a defender has his foot on a cone the attacker cannot score on the corresponding cone and must change direction toward the opposite cone.
The defender is not allowed to touch either the attacker or ball
The game ends once either a point is scored by the attacker, or the attacker dribbles past the end cones or over to the defenders side, or the attacker places the ball on his cone after the defender places his foot on the corresponding cone.
The referees are there to judge who made it to the cone first and when the game is over they become the compeating pair. After each rotation the attackers become defenders and vice versa.
Coaching Points:
Use the ball mastery techniques to change direction quickly.
'Sell' the skills to fake out the defenders into going into the wrong direction
Try to look at the defenders body position/weight and change direction at correct moments (when defenders hips turned fully commited to 1 direction/cone).
Change of speed
Use a variety of skills
Take the space/use speed if get ahead of defender

2 pugg goals
As many balls as possible
2x 3 yard gates 1 yard apart
Attacker stands in first gate with legs open
Defender in 2nd gate plays pass throught attacker legs for attacker to collect
Defender cannot defend until attacker touches ball
Attacker can score in either goal, and if defender wins ball he attacks the counter goal.
Once 1v1 battle has finished the next players move up the line, and next time that pair is 'up' they switch roles
Coaching Points:
Use ball mastery techniques to evade/fake out defenders
Use defenders own body weight/momentum against themselves
Fake to shoot on goal before using one of the skills to change direction and go to opposite goal
Speed of execution to confuse defender
Add time limit to contest
Add point system (score more points if use one of the skills taught in the session)

1. Area as shown 30x25
1. Free Play
Coaching Points:
1.Minimal coaching.
2.Demand technical points of movement & receiving.