Warm Up - All players on the ball and dribbling in space. Players are given actions to perform on certain #'s. On #1, players are to pick up their ball, toss it in the air and then try and trap it with bottom of the foot. Once completed, players continue to dribble and await next # call.
On #2, players pick up their ball and then try and juggle 2x with their thighs (encourage to use both legs... players do not have to alternated the 2 juggle touches between legs). Once complete, return to dribbling...
On #3, players pick up their ball, toss it in the air and try to perform soft trap with the top of their foot / laces... and continue to dribble.
On #4, players pick up ball and try to drop ball to feet and juggle 2x with top of foot
Coaching Points
- listend to coach commands
- good tosses allows for action to be performed
- cushion ball to control during traps and juggles

Skill Building #1 - Players all have a ball and are asked to free juggle with their feet and thighs. Players can allow ball to bounce in between juggles. Coach will want to continuously encourage players to do the best that they can and use as many surfaces as possible. Individual bests should be praised and challenged to see if more juggles are possible!
Coaching Points
- softer touches keep ball close
- flat surface and high knees for thighs
- toe up for laces / feet

Small Sided Game -split your play space into 2 fields. Cone sidelines if needed and have goals at each end of field (4 total).
2 vs. 2 on each field (if you have odd numbers, you can play 3 vs. 2 or if you have 10 players you can play 2 vs.2 on one field and 3 vs. 3 on the other) with no goalies. Use spots to mark off goal crease where players cannot enter. Goals must be scored from outside the crease. Teams can be rotated as needed.
Progression #1
Award points for players who use poke / tackle to win ball
Progression #2
Include throw ins when ball goes over touch line
Coaching Points
- pass to teammates when "open" not "closed"
- encourage defenders to attack and win ball
- freeze when ball leaves playing space
- Stop play when you need to set up a coaching point from today's skill objective

Scrimmage - Game should be played on a large enough space comparable to weekend game play. Line field w. cones and place goals (if using Puggs you will need at least 2 connected) at each end line. Please look to play against another team of the same sex if possible! We want to mimic actual game play, so look to have 5 vs. 5 with a goalie. Sub players as needed every 2 mins. Start with actual kick-offs and include throw ins, goal kicks & corners. Coaches MUST support the kids with their comprehension and possible task completion. We want our players to successfully complete these new game elements, so look to back opposing players off the ball until on the ball players perform task (kick-off, throw in, etc...) successfully.
No Progressions - Let the kids play!
Coaching Points
- support understanding and completion of restarts
- support goalies w/ understanding their goalie area --> understanding when / where to use hands, what goal kicks are, distributing the ball with throws and punts. Rotate goalies and do not force players to play goal!
- any time the goalie has the ball (in hands, or w/ goal kick) have opposition retreat to the half way line. We want out players to learn how to get the ball out of their own end, so have goalie distribute wide and then play out. Allow opposing players to cross half line on a 5-10 second countdown, AFTER goalie plays the ball wide
- conversations regarding shape / positioning will be difficult... gentle / supportive reminders needed.