40x30 yard area divided into channels
Players work in pairs
1 ball between 2 players
- White player is the attacker, blue defends
- White dribbles forwards quickly, forcing blue player back
- Blue player cannot steal the ball
- Switch when players reach end of channel
Coaching Points:
- Lots of small touches on the ball - Messi
- Keep the ball on the front foot of the defender
- Get head up between touches to observe position of defender
- Upon reaching half way (cone) attacking player pushes ball past defender - Ronaldo

40x30 yard area divided into channels
Players work in pairs
1 ball between 2 players
- Combine 2 groups inside same channel
- Attacker dribbles at defender as before
- Spare pair position themselves as support players on the side of the channel
- Attacker uses support player to combine and get in behind defender
- Repeat in opposite direction with roles reversed
- Switch with the support players after set period or number of combinations
Coaching Points:
- Drive at the front foot of defender
- Commit the defender to steal
- Play the ball to the support player using nearest surface - Outside of foot
- Accelerate past and receive the ball
See following screen

30x20 yard area
Counter goal behind attacking player
Cone 'gates' behind defending player
Plenty of soccer balls
- Defender serves into attacker and is live on their 1st touch
- Objective for the attacker is to dribble the ball through one of the cone gates in the corners behind defender
- Players rotate after each attempt
- Switch support players after set period or number of rotations
Coaching Points:
- Use 1st touch to engage defender quickly
- Drive at the defenders front foot
- Do you have to use the support players?
- If using support players, how far away should defender be before you pass?
- Use the nearest surface to get the ball to support players
2v2 game into 3v3 free play