Warm Up - Players are asked to surf (knees shoulder width apart and bent w; arms out at side) around play space and scattered tall cones that are standing up. This is a defensive slide that has players sliding sideways trying not to cross over feet and use short choppy steps. **Please note that the diagram does not provide players in defensive stance :)
Progression #1
On whistle, players are asked to slide to a tall cone and put their hand on it. Coach can then progress to having the players slide and touch multiple cones (2-3) on the whistle
Progression #2
Coach introduces block tackle. Block tackle requires players to essentially turn their foot as if they were passing and use the inside of the foot to block the ball. In this activity, the players will slide and then on whistle, slide to cone and practice block tackle motion. Players will want to barely touch the tall cones w/ the inside of their foot but practice the action / motion.
Progression #3
Coach introduces poke tackle. Poke tackle requires players to essentially use their toe to poke the ball away from an opponent. In this activity, the players will slide and then on whistle, slide to cone and practice poke tackles on the cones and knock them over. Coaches will have to stand cones back up as players slide and await next whistle to commence poking.
Coaching Points
- proper defensive stance and slide
- block tackles are done with the inside of foot and players need to be strong to block the ball!
- poke tackles are done quickly to knock ball away

Skill Building #1 - Players (red) are asked to defend their castle (cone) from attacking coaches (blue). Players (red) are asked to use poke / block tackles to defend castle.
Progression #1
Add goals on outside where defenders can win ball and then try and shoot to score
Progression #2
Switch roles and let the coaches defend and players try and knock cones down
Coaching Points
- use poke & block tackles
- keep body between ball and cone
- counter attack to score

Skill Building #2 - split players into 2 groups (defenders are in blue & attackers are in red) and create 2 equal fields. Attacking players with balls are to attack defenders 1 vs. 1 in order to score. Defenders are asked to use poke / block tackle to win the ball and then can go to opposing team's goal to score
Progression #1
Create 2 vs. 1 to increase pressure on defenders
Coaching Points
- defenders should close down space in D stance
- use poke / block tackle to win ball
- counter to score!

Set Up - Create two halves with field lines or disc cones. Each half needs equal amount of players and tall cones stood up roughly 5-10 years off half line. Cones distance from half line should depend on age / skill of players!
Activity - All of the balls are out on the pitch and palyers must respect the half line and not cross it. Players on each team are asked to shoot balls across line in an effor to knock down oppositions tall cones. Game is over when one team's cones are knocked down. Players are therefore asked to get into shooting lanes and defend cones. Players cannot stand directly in front of cones and must be 1 yard / big step in front to protect the game from being compromised:)
- On Coach "You May Cross!" command, players on each team can cross the halfway line and enter the other teams end either with a ball or to find a ball. They are still attempting to knock down the other teams cones. Coach will then call out "Return" in which each player must return to their side. This should last no more than 20 seconds!
- Coach can get rid of the tall cones and move the goals up closer to the line and have players shoot to score on the goals rather than to knock the cones down. NO goalies here! Instruct players to defend the goals by getting into the shooting lanes. "You May Cross" command still applies!

Scrimmage - Game should be played on a large enough space comparable to appropriate age level game play. Line field w. cones and place goals at each end line. We want to mimic actual game play, so look to have 5 vs. 5 with a goalie. Sub players as needed every 2 mins. Start with actual kick-offs and include throw ins, goal kicks & corners. Coaches MUST support the kids with their comprehension and possible task completion. We want our players to successfully complete these new game elements, so look to back opposing players off the ball until on the ball players perform task (kick-off, throw in, etc...) successfully.
No Progressions - Let the kids play!
Coaching Points
- support understanding and completion of restarts
- support goalies w/ understanding their goalie area --> understanding when / where to use hands, what goal kicks are, distributing the ball with throws and punts. Rotate goalies and do not force players to play goal!
- any time the goalie has the ball (in hands, or w/ goal kick) have opposition retreat to the half way line. We want out players to learn how to get the ball out of their own end, so have goalie distribute wide and then play out. Allow opposing players to cross half line on a 5-10 second countdown, AFTER goalie plays the ball wide
- conversations regarding shape / positioning will be difficult... gentle / supportive reminders needed.