Work on Receiving skills, dealing with the ball under pressure, passing and keeping possession and using the ball effectively with positive outcomes.

Session Organisation
Play Area; 50 x 50. 4 Groups of players play keep ball with 2 balls in a 15 x 15 zonal corner area. Each player in the group is given a number 1 to 4. Coach controls the practice. Individual player works clockwise or anti-clockwise through the cornered zones and the central zone.
Group of 4 play keep ball with 2 balls, on coaches call number player takes the ball whilst the other 3 continue to work on technical skills with the remainding ball.
Dribble at pace through and around Poles and Coned areas.
Dribble and a change of pace around mannequin, quality pace then follow.
Give and goes infront and around the mannequin.
long pass then go through poles and cones to recieve and pass around mannequin
Pass to player infront of manniquin set & spin / dummies- disguise & spin.
Move onto diagonal movement to improve visual awareness and decision making in congested areas.
Four Corners
Work on Receiving skills, dealing with the ball under pressure, passing and keeping possession and using the ball effectively. shots and headers on target.
Individual rolls and resposibilities. When to drop off and pull away to create space, link up play and movement with and without the ball.
Develop Aerobic and Anaerobic capabilities of players. Game specific work.
Test the ability to work under pressure, scenario
Encourage team mates and develop good habits.

Session Organisation
Area 20yds x 20yds, with small goals positioned on centre of each line, as illustrated.
5 players arranged 2 Attackers v 3 Defenders, as shown in the diagram.
Coach with supply of balls at side. Practice starts with: coach passes ball in to A, moving into space.
A’s combine to attack any of 4 goals, defended by 3D’s. Following goal or defensive regain of possession: play stops, players re-establish position & practice restarts from coach’s service.
Rotate roles & practice recommences with initial set-up arrangements.
Size of area can be adjusted according to age & ability of players. Practice operates at high tempo for limited time, determined by coach. Continuous assessment by A’s on when to pass, shoot, or dribble, as the practice alters with changing positions of D’s. Support play & communication between A’s & D’s as units. Simple progressions for this practice are: Add to number of players in practice to change overload (e.g. 3v3, 4v3 etc). If D’s gain possession: play ball quickly to team mate to score in a goal not being directly protected by them. Tackling/intercepting D quickly counter-attacks by dribbling/
driving with ball to furthest goal away. If D’s gain possession: need to make wall pass before being able to score.
Four Corners
Choices on techniques & skills to use to suit challenges set by D’s positions & defensive structure.
Receiving A getting into line of ball & receiving with good 1st touch, using appropriate controlling surface.
Early scanning of opportunities to score in relation to position of D’s & decision of which goal best to initially attack.A’s. Awareness of position of D’s, creating space & making supporting runs to receive initial pass from coach.
Develop Aerobic and Anaerobic capabilities of players. Game specific work.
Test the ability to work under pressure, scenario
Encourage team mates and develop good habits.

Session Organisation
Area 65x44yds coned-off width of penalty area, extending into opposite half on full-size pitch, with goals at each end, as illustrated. Main practice area divided into 2 zones 30x44yds, with a central
5yd pocket of space in middle, as a free zone. 16 players (incl. 2GK’s) working as two teams of 8, 1 ball. Each team is arranged in 2 groups of 4v3 in favour of Defending team in each main zone.
Practice starts with: GK rolls ball to D’s who play-out from back, with opposing Attackers allowing possession. D’s (unopposed) look to feed pass into an advanced supporting player, moving unopposed into free zone. Receiving player looks to turn & break defensive line with an incisive
pass or run with the ball at the defenders. Off-side rule applies. Objective is to create goal-scoring opportunities in free play situations. Play resumes in opposite direction, from opposing GK.
Area to relate to age & ability of players. Attention to receiving skills with open body shape. Control ball into desired space.Looking for disguised passes, with players electing to use ground or aerial passes. Clever movement aimed at unbalancing & moving D’s out of good defensive positions.Quality accurate passes into A’s. Simple progression for this practice is:Remove free zone & allow open play.
Four Corners
Early identification of space available.Selecting whether to pass or run with ball to advance play. .
A’s dragging opponents tight, to then run behind. Threaten behind to receive to feet & turn
Develop Aerobic and Anaerobic capabilities of players. Game specific work.
Test the ability to work under pressure, Visual awareness to idenify and make positive desisions.
Encourage and Trust Team Mates.