Organization: 2 Channels, 1 Attacker, 1 Defender. Two groups run at the same time.
-Players start on attacker's first step across line.
-Aim of the attacker is to cross either finish line (green lines) arms length ahead of the attacker.
-Defenders job is to stay as close as they can when attackers crosses line
-Game last 7 seconds, Players switch roles every time.
Coaching Points:
1. Space ahead of so attack it at speed
2. Reconition of defenders position
3. Defender behind you then acclerate
4. Alongside you (space ahead) then pretend to turn but keep going forward
5. Alongside you (space behind) then turn
6. Defender ahead of you then turn
7. Once attacker has yard of space look to cut across defender.
The finish line (blue lines) is now behind the defenders so attackers have 7 seconds to create space and cut across defenders pathway and across the line. Defenders are trying to tag attackers when they enter their Zone.
Organization: Players work in pairs, everyone is working at the same time.
1. Player w/ ball dribbles into middle of area, performs given stop-start.
2. When player reaches end of area, he performs turn.
3. After turning, player performs same stop-start on way back w/ opposite foot.
4. Next player goes on eye as player in front of them comes out of turn.
Coaching Points:
1. Head up / drive into space if there
2. Execution of stop-start
3. Change of pace
4. Eyes up immediately
5. Next movement - accelerate, turn, etc.?
Organization: Two lines attackers and defenders. Two goals. Attackers start with ball.
1. Same as SAQ now players a ball, they are trying to get over line behind defender and score.
2. Defender is live once attacker crosses coned line (defender can move, just can't take ball before attacker enters space).
3. Attacker gets point for getting into space, 2 additional for scoring goal.
Coaching Points:
1. Head up / drive into space - can I score or get across defender?
2. Execution of stop-start / turn
3. Change of pace
4. Eyes up immediately
5. Decision making / quality of next movement - accelerate, turn, shoot, etc.
1. Defender is live on attacker's 1st touch.
Organization: As shown - players in pairs. Atleast 2 groups at each station (left, middle, and right). Balls as shown.
- On coach's call "Right," player A passes to player B and player B attempts drive into corner and get cross in.
- Player A is live on player B's first touch.
- When player a passes to player B a pair of players from line M make runs into the box.
- As soon as cross comes in from right side, coach calls "left" and the process is repeated on the left side.
- Play for 5 minutes then rotate pairs
Coaching Points:
- Can you drive past defender (big touch) or use stop start to find room for cross?
- If defender blocks line, can you cut inside or turn to protect ball?
- Timing / shape of runs into the box
2 fields, 3v3
Free play Tournament
Coaching Points:
- 3 Lines of attack, Defender, Midfield, Striker (rotate players
-Create as much space for player in possession
-Try to create a triangle at all to give good angle of support.
-Look to gaps to attack using Messi touches
-First thought is to go forward then if nothing is on, play back to start again.