Session with sports scientist focusing on agility, core strength, balance, speed endurance and fitness.
Gym session is incorporated into this part of the session also.

Session set up in a 12x12 grid, with a mini goal on each side.
5v2, change the 2 every minute - high intensity.
Blues keeping possesion, 2 reds looking to score in ANY goal when / if they re-gain.
Focusing on...
pressing- speed,decisions,communiucation,reaction to re-gain-goals!
possession- weight of pass, having a picture, communication,movement, reaction to losing possession-defend!

session set up in a 40x25 pitch with 2 mini goals oin each side.
7 reds v 5 blues on the pitch.
change defenders every 2 mins.
Can reds keep possession?
Can blues score quickly in ANY mini goal on the re-gain?
Pressing- as a pack NOT as individuals,reaction to re-gain...goals!,communication,setting traps
Possession- movement to receive,touch and pass techniques, team shape...spine?,reaction to losing possession....defend!

Drill set up as shown with 2 players per mannequinn.
1 ball in each corner, all balls are played at the same time to start the practise.
A drill that looks at techniques of passing, communication, movement off the ball, 1 touch play.
Players must be switched on and alert for drill to be successful.
Ideal for 16 players.

Blue attackers can only score directly from a cross from either channel player.
Blue players are restricted to their zones.
Red defenders can move freely through the three zones and score by finding a pass into the target player when he is in the end zone.
Green target player joins in the game and plays for whoever is in possession.
Rotate all players.
Game is started after a 1-2 between target player and defenders.
Key Points
1. Type of cross - cut back/corridor/1st time
2. Variety of cross - curled, high, low & driven
3. Direction of first touch to dribble
4. Identify space to dribble
5. Skill/speed/disguise to beat defender
6. Switch play in order to drill
7. Disguised or reversed pass to allow wide players to dribble
8. Create an angle to receive in order to dribble