2 different colored cones on the two corners of the 6 yard area.
Coach calls a color for the GK to run to, and he must touch the cone, then run back to his goalline.
Every two calls, Coach serves up balls from out front.
GK comes out to collect ball of various height and service.
Coaching Points:
- Starting position (square to feeder).
- Judge and asses the flight of the ball (hold then go).
- Keep the ball in front of head and eyes.
- Drive/attack the ball with the nearest knee to the ball (and field).
- In same motion arms and hands extend to the ball.
- Catch ball with 'w' technique in front of head.
Coach serves farther away from GK, so he has to dive to save the goal.

15x20 yard area
12 players
- Line 1 starts off the sequence by dribbling 1v1 against the GK to shoot (has 3 seconds to get shot off).
- After shooting in Line 1, immediately turns to play give/go drop-pass to player at the front of Line 2 (must shoot first time).
- After shooting in Line 2, immediately turns to play 1v1 to goal against player at the front of Line 3.
- Rotate lines after completing the sequence.
Coaching Points:
GK :
- Stay organized.
- Follow ball (Ball line and Angle arc).
- Make correct save (dive, basket catch, contour catch, etc).
- React to the next ball and constantly adjust your position in relation to the ball.
Reverse the direction.

Organization :
6v6 plus GKs; set-up as shown
30x20 yard area
Instructions :
The Blue and White teams will place 4 players in the defensive half of the field and place the remaining players in the attacking half of the field.
A goal can be scored by :
- Player taking a shot in the defensive half of the field,
- Playing a 1-2 combination with attacking player or with one touch shot by attacking player.
Coaching Points :
GK :
- Stay organized.
- Follow ball (Ball line and Angle arc).
- Make correct save (dive, basket catch, contour catch, etc).
Progression :
- Limit touches.
Regression :
- Remove halfway line restriction.

Regular match.
Coaching Points:
- Starting position (square to feeder).
- Stay organized.
- Follow ball (Ball line and Angle arc).
- Judge and asses the flight of the ball (hold then go).
- Make correct save (dive, basket catch, contour catch, etc).
- React to the next ball and constantly adjust your position in relation to the ball.