ITSC storm( decision making)

ITSC storm( decision making)
战术训练-策略决定 U11
warm up

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Diamond - Sides 20x20 with two cones in the middle.

Split players evenly to points of diamond and play to players on the middle cones facing either way.

Play starts with a pass into the middle, who takes his touch away from the cone (defender) and passes to player on outside who dribbles ball to the next player on opposite side.

Two balls working simultaneously. Follow your pass/dribble.

Coaching points

Excellent passing/receiving.

Check away from defender/cone.

First touch creates the space to link up with outside player.

Intensity of dribbling/passing. Make team mates better.

Passes from midfield, must be to front foot of attacker (Speed of Play)

Communication specific for every move

HOLD and NOW for overlap

AGAIN for give and go.

main theme

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Technical Warm-Up Progression

A series of combinations to get the ball forward can be added

One-Two's to link up.

Longer pass from original passer.

Chipped pass optional.

Coaching points

Dropping off play to create space and angle for next pass.

Excellent passing/receiving technique.

Can we keep speed of play high?

Communication is key - Point/Talk!

HOLD and NOW for overlap

AGAIN for give and go.

Weight of pass, weight of one-two pass. Kill the speed to allow comfort.

main theme

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Technical-Tactical Progression


Progressing from the warm-up, we now remove the top section and go to goal from midfield, using our CF and two outside forwards, who combine to goal.


Add in two defenders and play 3v2 to goal. Changer defenders when appropriate.

Coaching points

Excellent passing, receiving and communication.

Keep speed of play high, front foot passing.

Drop off to create space and angle to combine with ease.

Can strikers work the keeper always when unopposed?

After we add in defenders, can we combine to firstly keep the ball from risk, then find areas to penetrate?

When do we dribble? When do we pass? Is there a 1v1 situation?

Conditionned game

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Small - Sided Game 6v6 Unlock Players


Area to suit number and player ability, plus neutral areas. Use big goals and GK's.

Split players in two and designate one player as a target player.

Target player must receive and combine to score.

Players may use outside neutrals to keep possession and combine.


When receiving from target player, you are limited to two touch.

Target player has tw touch limit.

Teams must combine with target player, then outside player to score.

Outside player has one touch, depending on ability.

Coaching points

Excellent passing/receiving and commuication.

Movement off the ball to create space for combining.

Drop off or check away from defenders/pressure.

Can we work the keeper?

Don't put the ball at risk in final third. Probe, probe, probe then penetrate.


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Game - No restrictions 8v8

Let them play, but look out to re-inforce session pointers. Look for movement and leadership.

Cool down and stretch and re-cap session and mention next game on March 24th.