The players are divided over 4 teams. Each team has their own pirate ship (S). When the game starts they want to steal the soccer balls from the treasure island (T). They have to dribble the ball back into their own ship (No kick or passing allowed!). Once they reach their ship they have to do an assignment to store the ball in the ship. When all the balls are off the treasure island the pirates can steal the treasures from each other. No defending is allowed!
Every game is 4 minutes. Change a players per team after a game to keep the dynamics.
Game 1: 10 toe taps to secure the ball in the ship
Game 2: 10 boxing touches to secure the ball in the ship

- L-move, Cut, Roll
- V-move inside other foot, Roll
- Pull, Roll, Inside outside
- Pull, Shuffle, L-move

Passing Pattern:
A -> B -> C, C dribbles to A
Change direction after 6 minutes to work both feet's first touch
Coaching remarks:
Call for every ball
Passing and receiving inside foot
Aiming with plantfoot, hips and swing
Right pace on the ball
Coach after every pass you make

The players always play 2 games. The first game as attacker, the second game as defender. As soon as the ball goes out of bounds the first player in line can start to attack. The former attacker has to make a quick transition to play defense.
Coaching Remarks:
1v1 attacking skills
Find the open goal
quick transition