Set up a circle – (Maximize the space you have available)
All players have a ball each and are inside the area dribbling their balls.
Coach revises and demonstrates selected turns:
Coaching Points:
Use both feet.
Use different surfaces.
Keep the ball close and under control at all times.
Be aware of space – look around all the time.
Introduce CRUYFF and STEP OVER turns

Set up 2 areas of approx 20x20 (maximize space available).
Use ladders or cones spaced about 1 yard apart to separate the areas.
Split the players into 2 groups and number them 1-5 with a ball each.
In area 1, players are working on their turns, (See above).
In area 2 the players are dribbling freely and using lots of touches with different surfaces.
Coach nominates a turn and calls a number(s) and those players perform the turn then dribble their ball through the cone gates to the other area and once there, start with the new exercise. Coach can vary what movements the players use going through the space between areas.
Coaching Points:
Techniques of turns, (See above)
Use both feet and different surfaces.
Keep the ball close and under control.
Be aware of space – Head up
Add a move while dribbling;
Call more than one number

Set up area as shown, approx 15x20 yards.
One player in pinny to denote opposing player.
Ensure central players start in game realistic positions.
Player 1 passes ball to the purple attacker who tries to turn and pass to target player .
Switch roles after 10 passes.
Coaching Points:
Check to the ball to create space.
Look over shoulder – if defender is not close turn and attack.
If defender is tight, look to turn into space and shoot quickly.
Use body to shield ball away from defender.
Decision on turn selection and execution
Allow Attacker to use server as an outlet when under pressure

30x40 area, Set up four goals, one at each corner. Goals diagonally opposite are same colour.
Two teams of 4/5 compete for the ball.
Play 4v4/5v54 with 2 goals at each end.
Players must dribble through either goal to score.
Coaching Points: