Players in a circle all facing coach
Each player has a ball and cone to work with
Coach demonstrates a ball mastery technique, and the players repeat
Skills taught in this session are toe taps, side to side, sole roll.
Coaching Points:
Always light on toes
Stay balanced
Head up
Soft touches
Combine the skills together
Have the players race to complete x amount of the skill/s
The coach continuously changes what ball mastery techniques he is executing and the player must change ASAP with him (now they are forced to look up at coach and not down at ball to keep up with him)

Island Game
Use disc cones to set up small islands (small squares) in a large playing area. Have everyone around in the area. Onthe coaches signal everyone must dribble with speed to an island: only two players allowed per island. The player (or 2) who does not get on an island get a minus point. Winner is decided by player with least pionts deducted. Every player starts with 10 points.
Start game without balls.
Coaching Points:
Always keep ball moving, players only dribble at speed when coach signals to get on a island. Head up & ball close.

Place all the balls (treasure) in the Treasure Island in center of the field. Split your players into teams of three or four and create a pirate ship (base) for each of the teams. These bases should all be the same distance from the Soccer balls.
When the coach starts the game one player from each team must run to the middle and use their feet to dribble one piece of treasure back to their pirate ship. When they return their ship they must 'high five' the next team mate so that he can go and get another piece of treasure.
When all the treasure has gone which ever ship has the most treasure is the winner.
You can then tell the players that the treasure is cursed and must be returned to the island using the same one player from each team method as before.
To progress this game when all the treasure from the middle has been collected players can go to other pirate ships and collect the treasure.
Players can not block/ or stop other players from taking the treasure. Have a countdown to end this version of this game. You may want to ask a parent to supervise each pirate ship to ensure that no blocking takes place.

Scrimmage (20min)
Key emphasis on passing, moving & communicating.