1) B plays to A and closes. A performs a step-over and accelerates then plays to C and repeats process.(repeat with Torres move) Dynamic stretches at intervals.
Progression: B passes and closes quickly, A performs 3 protective side moves and turns out.
(2) C and D back-pedal to wide cones and demand the ball. A and B play to their back foot.They receive on back foot and open out quickly and pass into A and B. they follow pass. A & B in the middle.Progress by setting back, angling the run and receiving before the end cone

(1) A to B who checks away and sets back and then A plays into C, B then spins and round the cone and plays a 1-2 with C who then plays into D, each player follows pass (repeat the other way) Progression: receive and turn on inside and outside of the foot.
(2) A plays to B who sets and spins round the cone, A plays into C and plays to B who times his run and sets to C who plays first time ball in to D. Emphasise timing of run and weight of pass

(1) 5 V 5 possession game.
3 touches max focusing on body posistion, receiving skills and quality of pass.
8 passes is a goal
When coach shouts TIGHT then players move from full area to the coned off smaller area, return to full pitch when coach shouts BIG

4 v 4 + 2 floating players
Empahsise principles of system and also focus on putting the receiving skills, quick-play, communication, movement off the ball.