1. Open area set up as shown
2.12 players set up as shown
3.12 balls set up as shown
1. Players move around the area using various running techniques, sideways, forward jog, and back shuffle
2. On the coach’s command of ‘Ball’ each player must close down the nearest ball as quickly as possible
3. The coach observes to see which players are the quickest to find a ball
4. On the coaches command of ‘Moving’ players then start to move around the area again
5. And the exercise is repeated
Coaching Points:
1. React and close down quickly
2. Slow down as you approach the ball
3. Bend the knees, stay sideways on to the ball
1. P – Take away a ball each time so that there are less balls than players
2. P – Move balls into new spaces by passing them as the command is made
3. R – Work players in pairs in a straight line, closing down the same ball each time

1. 20 x 10 yard area set up as shown
2. 3 players (1 A ttacker, 1 D efender, 1 Server) set up as shown
3. 1 ball
1. The defending player in the middle starts the exercise by passing the ball into the attacking player on one of the two end lines
2. Once the pass has been received the defending player runs in to close down the attacker
3. The attacker must attempt to score by dribbling the ball through the small goal on the opposite end line
4. A point is scored for a successful dribble or tackle
5. The defending player then repeats the exercise by playing to the second attacker
6. Rotate the defending player every 5 attempts
Coaching Points:
1. Close down quickly
2. Angle of approach to make play predictable
3. Slow down as you approach the attacker
4. Bend the knees, stay sideways on to the ball
5. Prepare for next action - Delay or Tackle
1. P – Allow defending players to go to goal if they win the ball
2. P – Increase the size of the scoring area to include the entire end line
3. R – Allow defenders to close down as soon as they make the pass
4. R – Reduce the width of the area so there is less attacking space

1. 30 x 30 yard area set up as shown
2. 6 players set up as shown
3. 1 ball (additional balls around the outside)
1. The attacking team attem pts to score by dribbling or passing the ball into the centre triangle zone
2. If a pass is m ade inside the triangle then a second attacker m ust be in there to receive it in order for goal to be
3. If the defending team wins possession of the ball they must attempt to score in any one of the four corner goals by dribbling the ball through under control
4. Rotate teams after a set time limit
Coaching Points:
1. Moments to tackle
2. Correct application of each tackling technique (poke or block)
1. P – Increase the size of the central attacking space
2. R – Play w ith two balls
3. R – Reduce the size of the central attacking space
4. R – Play 2 vs. 3 so cover is always present