Please watch video below for an example and explination of a puch pass.

Grid 12 x 12 yards
Game of tag with partners in 12 x 12 yard grid. Players work to tag partner as many times as possible within the given time - 30 seconds or so. Switch partners and encourage them to try and beat the high score.
Key Coaching Points
- work to stay close to partner
- good work rate
- be quick and elusive
- don't get trapped
- work on jukes and body fakes
On coaches command players switch roles. No stopping or re-organizing in between - quick transition

- 12 x 12 yard grid
- at least one ball per player
One coach or a player starts with a ball and tries to tag each player by passing the ball and hitting them below the waist. Once a player is tagged they must quickly go get a ball and help tag the remaining players. Play until all players are tagged and last one out starts the next game with the ball. Anytime a player misses they must retrieve their own ball.
Key Coaching Points
- Quality weight on pass
- Look for proper technique - push pass not driven ball
- Work to close space with dribble and shorten the pass

Two lines of cones or marking discs set about 5 to 8 yards apart with a player on each. Each pair has a ball.
Work on push pass - pass made with instep of foot. Your kicking foot should be almost sideways and plant foot should be pointed directly towards partner. Start with demo in slow-motion to they see it.
Key Coaching Points
- Proper form - might feel odd for young kids. Show and physically move foot so they can feel it.
- Pass to partner making sure plant foot is aiming
- After pass step/ follow through and step on kicking foot.

- Triangle setup with about 6 yards between each cone
- One ball
- At least four players per triangle.
Players push pass ball to teammate and follow pass. Can add gates to give them a target and more of a focus.
Key Coaching Points
- good weight on pass
- pass and move - this should always happen in game situations
- start to work on receiving ball when and if applicable
Have players pass and move to opposite cone. Players in a game rarely should follow a pass i.e. move to OPEN/new space. However few U6 players will be able to do this correctly.

2 teams - 5 per team on the field PLUS one goalie (put goalie in different colored pinnie)
1 ball
Keep the game moving and flowing as much as possible. Move subs in quickly anytime play is stopped.
DON'T worry about bad throw-ins or restarts, at this level it is not a priority and creates to many "rules" for the kids.... just let them play.
Key Coaching Points
- Quality passes
- Open body (face teammate) to recieve pass
- Aim plant foot and hips towards teammate