4-6 players/field
14x10 yard distance
1v1 Beating defenders by dribbling. Attackers will start with the ball at the end line. Attackers will try to beat the flag using skill and get to the other end line. Attackers should focus on the technique of the skill and the timing of when to execute.
1. Attackers should go at defenders with SPEED (under control, composed)
2. Use skill moves to beat defenders (scissors, Matthew's move, body feints); use skill at correct distance
3. Accelerate past defenders
4. Decption

4-8 players/field
15x10 yard field
Supply of balls
Attackers start at one end line and defenders start at other end line. Defenders start with ball. Defenders will pass ball to attackers, then close the space. Attackers will receive ball, attack the defenders with speed & look beat with skill, then dribble past their end line. If defenders win ball, they dribble past attacker's end line.
***Progression: score into goal
1. Attackers should go at defenders with SPEED (under control, composed)
2. Use skill moves to beat defenders (scissors, Matthew's move, body feints); use skill at correct distance
3. Accelerate past defender
4. Deception to beat defender

5-8 players/field
30x20 yards
2 goals on each endline
2v2 (2v1) to goals. Defenders will start with the ball. One defender will pass ball to the attackers, then close space and get into middle third of the field. The other defender will step into the defensive third of the field. Attackers will try to score in either of the defender's goals. If defenders win ball, they will try to score quickly. Once goal is scored/ball out of play, next players step onto field and continue activity. Continuous play.
1. Attackers should go at defenders with SPEED (under control, composed)
2. Use skill moves to beat defenders (scissors, Matthew's move, body feints); use skill at correct distance --- DECEPTION
3. Accelerate past defenders
4. Recognition of space; when to penetrate v. possess (dribbling, passing, running)

3v3 or 4v4 to goal