Chatham United U11B Spartans

Chatham United U11B Spartans
技术训练-传接球 U11

Learning Outcomes:-develop ability to pass & move & play short sharp passes

                                  -develop the ability to drive the ball with both feet

                                  -develop the ability to execute short passing combinations

                                  -develop application of correct technique in game setting 


transition image

Organization:-30 by 30 area

-8 players( 4 groups of 2)

-4 balls(1 per group)

Instructions: 1. Each group as to pass and move in the area.

2. When coach calls out "1", players have to move 5 yards apart and play 10 two touch passes.

3. When coach calls out "2", players have to move 5 yards apart and play 10 two touch passes without putting the controlling foot on the ground.

4. When coach calls out "3", players have to move 5 yards apart and play 10 one touch passes.

5. Everytime it is a race between all the groups to see who can start passing and moving again the quickest.

6. Any group where the quality is not good enough, have to start again.

Coaching Points:-poistion of non-kicking foot & pivot

-contact on the ball-middle

-use nearest foot & surface to take ball away

-head up

Visual Cues:-direction of ball

-distance to target

Progressions:P-increase passing distance

R-focus on one specific passing action

Main Theme

transition image

Organization:-20 by 30 area

-8 players

-2 balls( extras on the outside)

Instructions: 1. Players with the ball start by driving the ball to the opposite side.

2. Players work on both feet.

3. After playing the pass, players move to the adjacent cone & activity repeats.

Coaching Points:-angle of approach: off center

-head up

-contact ball-middle

-contact foot-laces

-follow through to target

-ankle locked, toes down

Visual Cue:-distance to target

-positioning of ball

Progressions:P-increase distance

R-decrease distance

Main Theme 2

transition image

Organization:-15 by 15 area

-7 players

-6 balls

Instructions: 1. Player 1 plays to player 2 who checks away from D.

2. Player 2 checks away from D and receives on the back foot and opens out to player 3.

3. Player 3 checks away from D to the ball and plays back to player 2.

4. Player 2 plays back to player 3 in a give & go and player 3 dribbles away.

5. D's then take the spot of player 2 and 3. Player 2 then becomes D at the top cone & player 1 at the first cone.

6. Play for 2 minutes then switch sides.

7. Speed should be high.

Coaching Points:-angle of approach: center

-head up

-contact ball: middle

-contact foot: inside

-check away

Visual Cues:-positioning to cone

-flight of ball

Progressions:P-1 touch

R- take away D's

Conditioned Game

transition image

Organization:-50 by 30 area

-12 players( 5 attackers, 5 defenders, 2 targets)

-1 ball( additional on the outside)

Instructions: 1. Teams score by getting the ball to the target player in their end zone.

2. Target player must control the ball in their end zone to score a point.

3. Once a point is scored, target player must play out to the other team.

4. Target players are not allowed outside the end zone.

5. Defenders are not allowed inside the end zone.

6. If ball goes out of bounds, play is restarted with a kick in.

Coaching Points:-head up

-angle of approach to support

-specific passing technique

-look to play away from pressure

-do not play direct(look to play side to side)

-supporting foot:next to ball, toes point to target

Visual Cues:-defender's positioning

-distance between 1st, 2nd, & 3rd defenders

Progressions:P-two touch

R-make target area bigger

Free Play/Scrimmage

transition image

Organization: two 20 by 20 areas

-12 players( 4 teams of 3)

-1 ball per game(additional on the outside)

Instructions: 1. Players play small sided 3 v 3.

2. Normal game rules apply(corner kicks, throw-ins, etc.)

3. If a goal is scored, scoring team must run back and touch their goal before being allowed to defend.

4. Conceding team must restart play from their goal line with kick in.

5. Play for a set time & then switch teams.

Coaching Points:-head up

-angle of support off the ball

-specific passing technique

-give width & depth

Visual Cues: -positioning of defenders

-awareness of open space

-positioning on the field