5 vs 3 and 4 vs 3
SSG depending on numbers
Let them play for 15 minutes.
Depending on level of success. in the 5 vs 3 game. The team with 5 must have everyone touch the ball before they can score.

Passing Practice
Take First touch forward
Firm passes, running hard between cones.
Person at the top dribbles back to the start of the opposite set of cones.
Teaches player to be passing on both feet, on opposite sides of the field.

5 vs 3 & 4 vs 2
Two 20 x 30 grids separeted by one 5 x 30 box.
Coach feeds the ball into one of the yellow teams.
Yellow team must make 5 passes before playing through the centre box into the other side.
Blue Team tries to get the ball off them as quickly as possible and try to score in the two goals.
- First touch into space
- Make sure you're always looking to see where your teammates are
- Blue team work hard and try to win it as quick as possible

4 vs 4 and 3 vs 2
Let them play
- High intensity
- How quickly can you score?
- How quikly can you get the ball back??