Working on 1v1 skills through individual and team competition

Dribble while coach calls out a move or skill then must speed dribble to a cone. Either last player to cone or player without a cone earns a point...player with least points wins.
Works on spacial awareness, dribbling skills, change of speed after move.
Coaching points:
* keep ball close
* quick moves
* keep head up to see which cones open
* excelerate after move - change speed.

Opposing player tosses ball into offensive player. O player receives ball and goes to either goal. Each player gets 3 turns on O and 3 on D. Keep individual scores.
Working on taking on players but having choice to chang direction and not go directly to one. Allows O to be more creative and deceptive.
Also good for D but that's another time.
Coaching points:
*first touch not directly at D
*excelerate - change speed
* be deceptive with moves

Play begins w/O player checking to ball. D comes off post only after player starts. O at midfield plays ball into teammate. Checking player now tries to turn and go to goal. He may pass to support player but every time he passes another D comes on.
Object is to get comfortable taking on 1v1 as receiving with back to goal.
Keep score by team.
Coaching points:
* check shoulder
* turn w/ball
* take quick shots, not waiting for wide open moment
* if play pass then must be quick to attack so it doesn't become even numbers

5v5 + 2 outside
Keep possesion - 4 passes = 1 pt. beating a player w/a move = 3 pts
Idea is to make them take players on when it's right choice. Trying to increase comfort on ball.
Keep score which will be added to last game and next game.
Coaching points:
* take on when no passing option or have space behind them
* beat then look to play
* moves must be quick with change of speed

Coach plays a ball inside box. O team tries to score. D team tries to stop them and score through goals in corners. Every 3 goals from O side = 1 point. Every 3 goals (in either sets of poles) = becoming offensive team. Coach feeds balls in when out of bounds. Change the 3 O players after 3 balls. D can change players whenever they want.
Very competitive, very high speed.
Coaching points:
* Use first touch to set up shot or beat defender
* Take small window shots - don't wait for wide open
* Be deceptive with touches
* Follow shots
* Frame the goal
* Finess vs Power - which is right choice from angle and distance.
* Quick transition

Just restrictions.
Watch and see if willing to be creative and take on at right time etc.
HAVE FUN...add final scores for all team comps.