In a 30x40 yard grid, each Player with a ball.
"The One Bounce Juggling Challenge": Player starts the juggle with 1 bounce, then takes 1 touch; then lets the ball bounce again, then takes 2 touches; then let's it bounce once again, then takes 3 touches, etc. If the player messes up the sequence, then they start again at 1. Challenge players to set their own new record.
Coaching Points:
Players try to improve their touches (suppleness, control and foot-eye coordination) by juggling with different surfaces of their feet (in this case, the laces).

12 Players with a ball each in a 40x60 yard (open) grid.
The Coach will inquire, with his players, about the dribbling characteristics of three of the top players in the world: Messi, Xavi and Ronaldo. The Coach will use these three players to paint the picture and build the foundational dribbling characteristics that the RDS curriculum is built upon.
Coaching Points:
"Painting the Picture" of each one of the player's characteristics:
* MESSI: Head up looking to get into the gaps using small, quick touches with the Pinky Toe (outside of the foot).
* XAVI: Head up to recognize when there's no gaps/space, then change of direction (12 o'clock to 6 o'clock), ball comes out of your feet, and then head and eyes up getting into the new space.
* RONALDO: Head up to see when there's a lot of space in front of you, then big touch to accelerate and get your head/eyes up and attack the space.
Spend a few minutes covering each Foundational Player's characteristics seperately and ensure the players have a good picture of the characteristics during each scenario.

Organization: x3 Grids (for 12 Players)
Three Grids with 4 Players each with a ball in a 15x25 yard grid.
Players look to dribble ball to middle of grid where they look to perform a move: the Scissors against the center cone, then drive to the end of the grid, make a change of direction, then drive back to the starting end zone to repeat activity.
Coaching Points:
* Messi touches (dribbling) before move.
* Execution of the Scissors: make it look like you're going to make a touch with the outside of your foot. "Sell" it using your body.
* Final touch out of feet to accelerate away.
* Head up out of move to help with next decision.
Players will execute one rotation with their Right foot and then one rotation with their Left foot (alternate the foot they use).

Three Grids with Groups of 4 Players in each grid, each player with a ball.
2 Players on each end zone facing the center cone. First two players on each side make eye contact to start dribble with the Left foot to center cone. Before reaching cone, both players make the "Scissors" move with the Left Foot and push the ball to the opposite direction (Right side). Players drive to end zone and get back in line.
Coaching Points:
* Eye contact at the start helps to recognize when your partner is ready and to make a connection.
* Head and eyes up to recognize when to make the move.
* Take a small touch prior to making the Scissors move as a "Prep Touch".
* "Sell" the Scissors move by keeping your foot low and making it look like you're taking a touch with the outside of your foot (use your body to help "sell" the move).
* Big touch to get ball out of your feet to accelerate away, get your eyes up and to help make the next decision.
* Start with Left Foot Scissors going to the Right Side.
* Swith to go with Right Foot Scissors going to the Left Side.
* Add "Inside Scissors" (or "Double Scissors" or "Scissors Cannon") to increase difficulty.

In a 15x25 Yard Grid, players play 1v1 to two gates (Yellow & Blue).
* Player "A" Passes to Player "B" and then defends the two gates on his end zone. Player "B" receives ball and attacks the opposite side end zone gates and can score by two ways: 1) Attacking player can score 1 point every time they execute a Scissors against a defender when close (example: you do 3 scissors against a defender, then you get 3 points); 2) Attacking player can score 1 point by dribbling the ball with control through either the Yellow or Blue gates.
* If a Defending player wins possession of the ball, then they become the Attacking player and can score the same way a normal Attacker can score.
* If ball goes out of bounds, then the game is over.
* Players will switch lines after each game (A goes to the B & vice-versa), regardless of the result.
Coaching Points:
* Head up for the Attacking player before they receive the ball to recognize what decisions to make with their 1st touch, get into the attack and when driving at the Defender.
* Use the idea of having the option of going to either gate to unbalance the Defender, namely with the Scissors move (remind players it's an easy way to score a point).
* Try to "sell" the Scissors (or any other moves) by using your body to really get the Defender to "bite".
* Can you take a big touch to accelerate once you get even/behind the Defender to create seperation.
* Head up to ensure you see the gate to score your point.
Players switch lines after each game, regardless of the result. Coaches keeps track of the players scores and determines a "winner" of the 1v1 Challenge. Coach has the option of also switching around players from grid to grid to change the competitive environment.

3v3 Small-sided tournament games: 4 teams of 3 players eachteam. 2 fields of 30x40 yards with 2 Pugg Goals on opposite endlines.
4 Teams of 3, play 3v3 tournament style format where each team will play one another. 3 points for a win, 1 point for a tie and 0 for a loss. Each game should be approximately 6-8 minutes in duration (obviously play a 3 game tournament).
Coaching Points:
· Review of session's learning outcomes being translated into the game
· 3 lines of attack
· Creating diamond (gives angles of support)
· Making diamond as big as possible (Creating space)
· Identifying any numbers up situations