1. 20x20 yard area set up as shown
2. Two teams of 6, runner and shadow
1. The "Runner" is trying to beat their "Shadow" across one of the end lines.
2. The "Runner" must attempt one turn before crossing the end line, but no more than three.
3. The "Runner" must run past the first cone before they can attempt their turn.
4. If the "Runner" beats their "Shadow" across either end line the "Runner" gets a point, if the "Shadow" beats and/or ties the "Runner" across the end line, they receive a point.
5. Players switch roles after each turn, try to match up with someone new every other turn.
6. Play for an allotted amount of time or until a player reaches a designated amount of points set by the coach.
Coaching Points:
1. Attack space at speed
2. Recognition of defender's position
3. Read movement of the defender (In front, next to or behind)
4. On toes to pivot
5. Accelerate into space

1. 20x20 area set up as shown
2. Split team into four equal groups
3. One ball per group
1. Player 1 dribbles to middle line or cone, turns, makes eye contact with Player 2 and pass them the ball then runs to the end of line.
2. Player 2 dribbles to middle line or cone, turns, makes eye contact with Player 3 and pass them the ball then runs to the end of line.
3. Rotation continues for allotted amount of time or until the desired number of turns set by coach has been reached.
4. Players will work both their right and left foot.
Coaching Points:
Inside/outside cut turns, StepOver
1. P - Add a player to run along side of them to act as a mock defender forcing the player to make the right turn based on where the defender is located.
Reg - every player with a ball, dribble back and hig five teammate to send them

3v3 or 4v4 teams
Goals turned facing the endline
Small sided scrimmage
Players can score in either goal
Games are 2 minutes long or first team to score stays on
Coaching Points:
Head up, analyze position of teammates and opposition
Which goal is best to attack?
Change direction when defenders flood one goal
Free Play - next screen

3 teams, 1 team resting
Free Play
When one team scores, they retrieve the ball from the goal and attack the opposite goal
Team on the side must be alert and run on to quickly defend
Coaching Points:
Quick transitions - turn and head for goal immediately after you score