Boys would pair up and would pass the ball across to each other.
(Approx 40 yards with central gate).
Boys will be encouraged to vary the width of gate dependant on confidence.
•Technique – key points will be individual specific so they have opportunity to practice- they know the entire breakdown that understanding was checked in the previous session.
•Exceptions- land on the kicking foot when driving the ball to ensure good rotation of the hips and core stability.
•Through both techniques relaxing and letting the technique do the work.
Learning Objective (Group)
Learning Objective (Individual)

•Technique – key points will be individual specific so they have opportunity to practice- they know the entire breakdown that understanding was checked in the previous session.
•Exceptions- land on the kicking foot when driving the ball to ensure good rotation of the hips and core stability.
•Through both techniques relaxing and letting the technique do the work.
Learning Objective (Group)
Learning Objective (Individual)

In a 40 x40 area looking at in pairs the players either driving or lofting the ball to each other. The purpose of multi balls and players is to ensure that the players have to be aware of their surroundings and then have to make the right choice in terms of technique.( players should be constantly be on the move and not operating in the same areas).
Learning Objective (Group)
Learning Objective (Individual)

Skill – Changing the point of attack- 20 minutes.
Drill Description and key Information
Area layout.
2 Large End Zones- 15 x 15.
Free Central Receiving Zone – 15 x 5.
4 target zones 5 x5.
(These areas could be changed dependant on age and ability) .
Both team play from end to end
Aim play out into the ‘Free Zone’ with player dropping deep ( unchallenged and at the right time, from there the ball would be set and the aim is to play long to one of the target players. When playing out from the back they can use the target players to gain a 4v2 advantage. If the ball is transferred successfully then the same team would regain possession and would play back in the opposite direction.
The target players would change every 3 minutes to ensure everyone gets opportunities in all areas.
No restrictions will be placed on the drill due to this being a new exercise but 2 touch would be good to ensure that we get the quality( tempo).
Key Points.
•Timing of the player to drop deep.
•Quality ( timing) of movement to support the set- need to loose man to ensure can deliver to target men.
•Decision of the technique to deliver to target men- (Based around needed to loft or driven).
•Looking at diagonal balls.
Learning Objective (Group)
Learning Objective (Individual)

Phase of play- switching the point of attack after set off the strikers
Drill description and Key information
This diagram is not the true area size .
this was the best way of representing. (Further more if we had the facilities then this is what would happen).
The two central areas are 20 wide x 15 deep.
The 2 long wide areas were 15x 10 and the smaller 10 x10.
Exercise Aim.
Starting with the coach the ball would be played into the first middle zone. The midfielders would then have to play off the striker who would set the ball. From there the ball would have to go diagonal wide (changing the point of attack). The wide player would need to arrive in the zone at the right time and from there the ball would be delivered with players attacking 2nd 6 yard box. Once the ball was out of play at the goal end the ball would be dead and the coach would start the exercise again. Both teams are attacking and defending dependant on who the coach starts play with.
The strikers must come short and link the play but there is no receiving zone – I wanted to see if they could recognise the right moment which is vital in game situations. You could put a free zone in to enhance the productivity in getting the ball wide but in the long term the difficulty facing(strikers coming short), here is only game realistic and will hopefully speed the thought process up.
Could also make progressions- where midfielders could join in to attack the wide delivery but was looking how the session would develope and this could link into future sessions.
Key points
•Timing of front man to come short to receive (playing on the shoulder first of all).
•Movement to support the set- timing.
•Decision in technique to deliver wide.
•Quality of the delivery into the box.
Attacking 2nd 6 yard box
Learning Objective (Group)
Learning Objective (Individual)