Organization: 2 yd gate in the middle with a cone 10 yds from gate on each side, players are in pairs, 1 ball per pair, extra soccer balls around the sides.
1. One partner begins with the ball and attempts to shoot the ball through the gate
2. A successful attempt is awarded 1 point
3. After the first partner attempts their shot, it becomes the second partners turn
4. Shots must be taken with their laces in order for it to count
5. Play to a set score, then rotate opponent
Coaching Points:
- Head up to observe target
- Angeld approach
- Head down at point of contact
- Body weight forward, chest down
- Ankle locked, toe down
- Follow through, land on shooting foot
- Use weaker foot only
- If the partner misses, can the second partner earn 2 points for a successful one time shot

Organization: 30x40 split in half. 2 goals. 6-12 players.
Instructions: Both lines work at the same time. A.) Player dribbles out and takes a shot on goal. After shot he retrieves the ball and moves to the next grid repeating the same action. B.) Player with ball passes out to side player who has two touches to return the ball for a 1 time shot. Side player gets ball and moves to next grid, shooting player becomes side player.
Coaching Points: Controlled approach; Prep touch; Contact surface; Follow through; Awareness; technique
Progressions: Side player applies pressure after return pass

30x40 yard area.
Players, Coach, goal and balls on one end; cone/marker placed 25--30 yards away.
Players divided into two teams.
On Coach's command, first two players race to run around cone/marker.
As players run to the other end, Coach feeds a ball into the space.
As players round the cone, first to the ball is the attacker, other player becomes the defender and they play 1v1 to goal or the ball goes out of the area.
Progression: Add 2v1 or 2v2.
Regression: Make space bigger.
How many goals can your team score?
How many goals in a row can your team score?
Coaching points:
Outside (pinky-toe) for close control.
Laces to cover more space and get to goal quickly.
Head up to locate ball as rounding cone/marker.
Head up to locate goal.

1.20 x 20 yard area set up as shown
2.12 players set up as shown
3.Supply of balls by the coach
4.Pinnies tied to each goal to mark them
1.The coach splits the group into two teams and asks them to come up with their team name for the MLS Cup Shoot Out
2.Each team makes a line ready for their turn
3.The coach then calls out the number of players that go out and play from each team (1=first player in line 2=first and second player in line)
4.The game is over when a goal is scored or the ball leaves the area
5.Players then return to their team and the coach calls out a new number
Coaching Points:
1.Be quick to the ball
2.If you don’t get there first, defend the goal by getting your body between the player and the goal
3.When your player has the ball move away from them into space
1.P – Players now run around a corner marker before they are allowed to enter the game
2.R – Call numbers in order so that players understand when to enter the game, feed a new ball inside the area for players to continue playing if the ball goes out a lot in the early stages

1.Penalty area, set up as shown
2.20 x 20 shooting area, set up as shown
3.1 goal
4.1 ball per player
1.The game is called ‘Lightning Soccer’
2.One player starts in the goal
3.The first player in line dribbles out through the second set of cones and shoots their ball
4.As soon as they shoot they instantly run into the goal to become the next goalkeeper
5.The next player can go as soon as the shot is taken
6.If the shooter scores they are safe – no matter if the next player scores
7.If the shooter misses they must save the next shot to stay in the game (or if the shot goes wide/over)
8.If the shooter misses and the next person scores they are out of the game and become ball collectors (Can also have them stand behind the goal. If they catch a ball from a shot that goes over they are back in. For more advanced players, they must receive the ball in the air and juggle twice)
9.Last player in the game is the winner
Coaching Points:
1.Head up to observe the position of the goalkeeper
2.Head down at point of contact
3.Body weight forward, chest down
4.Ankle locked, toe down
5.Chip the new goalkeeper if they are slow to take up their position
P – Players must shoot from outside the penalty area
P - Can also play with a partner. Must have one pass before shot.
2.R – Allow player three lives before they are out

Players divided into two teams
All soccer balls with players next to the goal
A side starts
First player passes out to teammate who is standing by the Red cone
They can shoot first time or take a touch and shoot
Immediately after shot, the player races to become goalie as Team B begins the rotation
Goalie then joins passing line beside the goal
1 point for each goal
Play to 10
Coaching Points:
Striking with the laces
Good first touch if neccessary
Follow through and land on striking foot
Knee over the ball
Eyes on the ball

Organization: 25x36. 3v2 in each half. 3 attackers and 2 defenders.
Instructions: Coach always restarts by playing into a Gk. When the GK is in posession, 2 of the attackers must take a knee making it 2v1. The defenders are trying to play into their attackers who are playing 3v2. Players must stay in zones. If defender wins the ball he may score. Players may shoot from anywhere.
Coaching Points: Decision making; Shooting technique; Speed of play; transition; Attacking shape
Progressions: Only one attacker takes a knee; 1 player may move forwards into next zone