Organization:30 x 30. Soccer ball for every player.
Instructions:Players must keep the ball close while the coach calls out different instructions
Coaching Points:Small touches to maintain control of the ball. Keep head up to observe space and other players. Burst of pace after performing move or turn.

Organization:Two Teams, 2 mini goals.
Instructions:Pass to opposing player and then defend both goals. Attacking players chooeses which goal to dribble at trying to beat the opponent.
Coaching Points:observe position of defender, draw the defender in on direction to create space to attack on the other side. Keep the ball close while defender is in front, large touch to beat the defender and then use pace to catch the ball.

-20x20 box
-2 gates on one end
-1 Gate on opp end.
-Activity starts by player one giving a pass to player 2 on other end.
-Player 2 attempts to dribble through either gate.
-If defender recovers ball they can score through the gate on opposite end.
Coaching Points:
-Attacking open space
-Speed of play

20x25 box
-2 teams of 2 players
- Teams attempt to dribble through gates on opposite ends for a point.
- Teams will switch players after every goal.
Coaching Points:
- Attacking & creating Space
-Proper technique of move
- Neutral player