12m: Free Play / Water
12m: Possession / Water
22m: Main Theme
12m: Conditioned Game / Water
15m: Scrimmage

1. 20x20 grid, seperated into two halves
2. 8 players (two groups of 4)
3. One ball with additional on outside
1. 4v2 in the first grid
2. Defenders try to gain possession and pass to a teammate in the other grid.
3. If successful, the 2 defenders join their team in the new grid.
4. The person who caused the turnover along with one other teammate joins the new grid as defenders. 5. Play 4v2 and repeat this pattern.
Coaching Points:
1. Early support - start supporting before the ball is received.
2. Angle of support
3. Movement off the ball
4. Support both sides of the attacker with the ball.
5. Positive touch in space
6. Use deception
1. Limit the number of touches

1. 40x30 grid, set up as shown
2. 16 players formed in to pairs
3. 1 ball per pair with additional around the outside
1. Players are working on hitting a low drive cross
2. Player 1 of team blue hits a low driven cross towards Player 2 of team blue.
3. Player 2 of team blue receives the ball with one touch and tries to get it as close to the cone as possible.
4. Player 1 of team yellow hits a low driven cross towards Player 2 of team yellow.
5. Player 2 of team yellow receives the ball with one touch and tries to get it as close to the cone as possible.
6. Team with the ball closest to the cone gets one point.
7. Play continues for allotted amount of time then teams rotate to player new teams.
Coaching Points:
Long Lofted
o Angle of approach – off center
o Head up to observe your target area
o Head down at the point of contact
o Non kicking foot placed to side, slight behind the ball
o Ankle locked, toe down
o Contact ball – middle above the mid line
o Contact foot – laces (Instep)
o Pull hips round to face the target at contact
o Body weight forward chest and knee over the ball at contact
o Follow through is controlled
o Target area is in between the defender and the post
o Ideal delivery stays low to the ground
R- Increase number of touches to get ball to cone

1. 40 x 60 yard area with two 6 0 x 10 yard areas on each side set up as shown
2. 12 players (2 teams of 6) set up as shown
3. 1 Ball (additional around the outside)
1. Teams score by scoring from a cross
2. Players can dribble the ball into wide areas and be unopposed
3. Players can only be in wide areas for 2 seconds if not in possession of the ball
4. If ball leaves the area, game is restarted with kick-in on the sides and corners as normal
5. Play for 5 minutes then rotate teams
Coaching Points:
1. Head up, observe target
2. Cross (Specific technique being used – Refer to technical guidelines)
3. Cut back inside or cross early
1. P – Remove the w ide areas
2. P – Players can score from anywhere
3. R – Make the field narrower to allow crosses