This session is to get the players comfortable with passing and different passes, unopposed as well as opposed. The main aim from the coach is to try and give ownership of the session to the kids. Let them discover the answers by your questions and guidence or let them work out the solutions themselves.

Warm Up. Players work in 2's. If there are odd numbers add a floating player in the centre to act as the pass focus.
1. Players jog to the blue coned area and pass the ball to thier partners. They return to the start line carrying out a dynamic movement. LET THE PLAYERS DECIDE (UP TO 4) The partner dribbles the ball to that pass line and jogs up to their pass line and repeats the process.
2. Players jog out and pass to their partners and wait for the return. they turn and dribble to their blue line and leave the ball there. Their partner then goes and repeats the process. LET THE PLAYERS DECIDE WHICH TURNS THEY MAKE (UP TO 4)
3. The ball is placed on the half way mark. Players move to the ball and try to pass it through one of the blue gates. Can the player get back to the start before their partner can dribble to the half way line. Then reverse and repeat for the partner. If the pass is harder where will there partner have to start, further away or nearer, does that help you?

Split into 2 teams
Show players on the white board where you want the cones moved to. "Move the blue cones to the corners to make a box here and here and get some red ones for here and here", you decide how big. Take the yellow cones away.
In this practice the aim is for the players to move the ball from one coloured corner to the other.
Make it harder? How many passes do you think you need to get from here to here? How many seconds do you think it will take us to move from here to here?

Now the players can only pass to another box. Lead them to only one player per box. Look for their movement to the boxes.
Make it harder? How could we make a longer pass? Can we miss out the middle boxes with a longer pass? How can we make our passes shorter? What about having all 3 in one box and everyone has a pass before we go to another?

Now what if we added a defender into the 3rds? (LOOK TO INTRODUCE SAFE SIDE PASS CONCEPT)
How do we get past them now?
Defenders are only allowed in their 3rd. Let the players go and play with this. A point for each time they get to any corner. What about 3 points if you beat the defender with skill?
Harder? Only allow 2 players in the same box as the defenders and one in the next box. Longer passes? Pass through the middle section to one player in the end section. Picking the correct pass and the right weight of pass.
Play and swap over.