VSSC Stream Team 5/8

VSSC Stream Team 5/8
技术训练-进攻技术 U9
Dribbling warm up

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25 x 25 yard area

Cones scattered throughout the area

Each player with a ball


Introduce Scissors skill move during warm up

Every time players approach a cone, they perform the scissors as if it were the defender

See how many times they can perform the move in set period of time

Coaching Points:


-Move one foot around the front of the ball finishing on the outside of the ball

-Drop shoulder as foot plants

-Take the ball away with outside of opposite foot

Change of pace and direction

Guantlet 1

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Players divided into two teams, Yellow and Blue

Attacking team (yellow above) have pinnies tucked in as tails

One defender (blue above) per zone, about 7 yards apart


On Coach's command, one attacker attempts to get past each of the 3 defenders to the far side without having their "tail" pulled

Defenders must remain on their line between the two cones

Attackers get a point for making it through the Guantlet

Defending team gets 1 point for pulling out a pinnie

Play for set period of time and switch roles

Coaching Points:

Use body to fake and feint pass defender

Attack with speed, dont slow up and let defender have upper hand

Use changes of speed and direction


Players go whenever pinnie is pulled or previous player makes it though

Reduce space between defenders

Reg - remove a defender

1v1 Opposed

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2 Channelse set up as shown

One with goals on either end, other with gates

Yellow team defends first, Blue team attacks


Ball played across from Yellow team

Blue team attacks to create 1v1 situation

Channel A - 1 point for scoring a goal. Defending team can score if they win it back

Channel B - 1 point for dribbling through middle area, 3 points for getting through either of the wide areas. Same goes for defenders if they win the ball

Switch roles and fields for all players

Coaching Points:

Positive first touch

Attack defender with speed - act, do not react

Close control under pressure, penetrate space once defender is beaten

Timing and technique of your skill moves


Defender is live as soon as they play the ball

3 points for middle gate, 1 point for outside gates

Reg - defender must wait for attacker's first touch to play

Conditioned Game

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Divide players into 3 teams

2 teams play at a time, 1 team resting



Teams can score by shooting into the goal, or dribbling through one of the gates on the endline

Play for a set time or set number of points

Can stagger points - e.g. 2 points through gates, 1 points for a goal

Coaching Points:

Pick your head up to see best scoring option

Look for 1v1 scenarios - attack defender


Swap goals with gates - score for dribbling across endline or shooting into goal