Warm Up/Ball Work (25 min)
All players: Stretch (5 min) & Juggle (100 touches)
Stations (45 sec per station)
1- Standing Bells, 2- Forward/Reverse Bells, 3- Channel Bobble Bells, 4- Standing Toe Taps, 5- Forward/Reversde Toe Taps, 6- Channel Bobble Toe Taps, 7- Standing Reverse "L", 8- Triangle Station Reverse "L" Right Foot, 9- Triangle Station Reverse "L" Left Foot, 10- Cutting Station Chopping L/R Foot, 11- Cutting Station Double Touch (1 R Lace Dribble, 2 sole roll across body, 3 L Lace Chop Dribble)

12/13 - Chopping Station. Each player starts on red cone dribbles to yellow cone & chops with left, then dribbles to red cone & chops with right. Repeat.
14 - Ladder. 1's, 1/2's, R leg hop, L leg hop, two foot hop, North two foot hop, South two foot hop, forward shuffle, reverse shuffle
15- Outside foot dribble
16- Inside foot dribble
17-Skill Station - A serves headers, thigh balls, chest balls & cup traps. B controls & returns ball
18- Monster Walk - Dribble in bigh steps w/ball
19- In's & Out's - Face sideways: A Pull, B Roll Across, C Lace Chop Forward
20- Small V's - Lace/Pull L. Lace/Pull R.
* Lace/Chop Dibble around field 1/2 field 2 times (1 Right Foot only/1 Left Foot Only

Brazillians (15 min)
Heading, chesting and trapping
Rotate players ea. 2 minutes
Center players receive and play back to serving players.
Coaching Points: Check in, communicate, head on a swivel, toe up lock ankle, Balance

Perseption & Awareness (15 min)
4 vs 4 + 2 with 4 neutral targets, 4 attacking players try to keep possession against 4 defenders with the help of 2 neutral players and 4 targets, Team scores a point for 7 consecutive passes without losing possession or by connecting one pass to each neutral target players, Play 3 x 4 minute games rotating neutrals and target players each round
Variation - Team scores a point by passing to any of the 4 target players who then return it to the attacking team with 3 or less touches
COACHING POINTS Passing and receiving technique, Movement off the ball (proper angles of support), Early support (before the player is under pressure), Composure on the ball
Awareness by players off the ball (proper spacing), Communication by all

1 v 1 (15 min)
D plays ball to A and closes down. A creates space to finish. Goal or 30 seconds. 1 point per goal. swith sided ea 3 minutes.
Coaching Points: Positive touch onto shooting foot. Planter foot next to ball w/head down. Foot extended & locked. Extend leg back & land on shooting foot. Progression: 2 v 2

Sm Sided Game 6 v 6 (15 min)
No Restrictions