1. 20 x 20 m svæði með 8 x 8 m reit inni í miðju.
2. 12 leikmenn.
3. 1 bolti á hvern leikmann.
1. Allir rekja boltann í stærra svæðinu, en meiga ekki fara inn í litla svæðið.
2. Þegar þjálfari kallar "litla" eiga allir að rekja inn í litla svæðið eins hratt og þeir geta.
3. Þegar þjálfari kallar "stóra" færa allir sig aftur út í stærra svæðið.
4. Leikið í ákveðin tíma.
Coaching Points:
1. Controlled approach
2. Keep your head up to observe the situation
3. Change of speed and direction
1. P Divide players into two teams so that when one team is in the big area, the other is in the small area
2. P Reduce the size ofthe areas to increase traffic
3. R Increase area to 30 x 30 for large area, and 12 x 12 for small area

1. 15 x 5 yard area set up as shown
2. 2 players setup as shown
3. 1 ball per pair
1. Player (A) starts by passing to player (B)
2. When player (B) takes their first touch, player (A) can start walking forward towards player (B)
3. Player (B) now dribbles towards player (A) and using a specific move, goes around the player
4. Player (A) continues to walk forward and both players end up at the opposite end line
5. Repeat in opposite direction
Coaching Points:
1. Controlled approach
2. Timing of move just outside tackling radius
3. Body shape low centre of gravity
4. Change of speed and direction
5. Cut into the space behind defender
6. Head up, accelerate away
1. P Defender then follows his pass at a jogging speed, then a running speed
2. P Defender can steel by poking the ball if itis close enough
3. R Defender can step in the opposite direction to the move, to allow more space to perfect technique

1. 30 x 20 yard area set up as shown
2. 12 players (3 team s of 4,1 team resting) set up as shown
3. 1 ball (additional balls situated around the outside)
1. Each player is assigned a letter, A ,B,C or D
2. Opposing players are paired with their opposite letter, and may only steal from this player
3. If defensive player steals from the wrong partner,a free kick is awarded
4. Goal is scored by dribbling through central goal at opposing end
5. If ball goes out, team restarts with a pass or dribble in
6. If goal is scored, conceding team restart with a dribble in from own end line
7. First team to score wins, with losing team switching w ith resting team
Coaching Points:
1. Controlled approach
2. Engage defender at speed by attacking front foot
3. Timing of move just outside tackling radius
4. Body shape low centre of gravity
5. Change of speed and direction
6. Head up accelerate away
1. P Defensive players can steal from their nominated partner, plus one other
2. P Increase to 40 x 30 yard area